Friday, May 18, 2012

A New York Fascist's State Of Mind

According to Wikipedia, the Dishonorable Charles Schumer was born in Brooklyn, lives in Brooklyn today, and is Jewish ("Reform Judaism," to be precise). A New York Jew would be expected to know something about the oppressions endured by the Jews of Germany during the Hitler years, wouldn't you think? However, the evidence runs in the opposite direction:

"While serving in the House of Representatives, Schumer authored the Assault Weapons Ban in 1994 with California Senator Dianne Feinstein, which expired in 2004. The National Rifle Association and other gun groups (see gun politics) have criticized him for allegedly not knowing much about guns, pointing to various errors regarding the subject. Supporters of gun control legislation, however, give him much of the credit for passage of both the Assault Weapons Ban and the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act despite intense lobbying from opponents. The Assault Weapons Ban, which banned semi-automatic rifles, shotguns, and handguns possessing certain cosmetic features, expired in September 2004 despite attempts by Schumer to extend it.... In a statement from Brian Fallon, a Schumer aide, he "insisted that except for winning an NRA marksmanship award at age 14, the senator does not own a gun or have a license to carry one."
And we have this more recent emission, as well:
Two top senators went after Facebook co-founder Eduardo Saverin Thursday over his decision to renounce U.S. citizenship, unveiling a proposal they claim would bar him -- or anyone -- from de-friending the United States in order to avoid taxes.

Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., who unveiled the proposal alongside Sen. Bob Casey, D-Pa., said their so-called "Ex-Patriot Act" would subject high-earning ex-Americans to a steep capital gains tax.

The bill was their answer to the move by Saverin last year to renounce his citizenship and move to Singapore. The decision, made public in a recently released IRS list, came ahead of Facebook's initial public offering, and fueled speculation that Saverin cut ties with America in order to cut down his tax bill. Singapore does not impose capital gains taxes.

"Saverin has turned his back on the country that welcomed and kept him safe, educated him and helped him become a billionaire," Schumer said. "This is a great American success story gone horribly wrong."

Saverin, though, staunchly defended himself in a written statement Thursday. In a reference to the so-called "exit tax" those who renounce their citizenship pay, he said "I am obligated to and will pay hundreds of millions of dollars in taxes to the United States government."

He added: "I have paid and will continue to pay any taxes due on everything I earned while a U.S. citizen. It is unfortunate that my personal choice has led to a public debate, based not on the facts, but entirely on speculation and misinformation."

So a United States Senator, born and raised in New York, who claims to be a Jew, is an enthusiastic promoter of two of Hitler's vilest decrees:

  • First, that Germans should be completely disarmed, lest they foolishly resist his Brown Shirts;
  • Second, that German Jews, compelled by Nazi-era persecutions to flee the country, should be punished by the confiscation of what was rightfully theirs.

But remember: According to the Left, for wanting to own firearms and keep what you've rightfully earned, YOU'RE the "fascist."


  1. My friend, you are always a bright spot in my reading!

  2. I'm reminded of J. R. R. Tolkien's remarks on people who cannot tell the difference between the Flight of the Deserter and the Escape of the Prisoner.


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