Saturday, October 6, 2012

"Your Tears Taste Delicious" Dept.

By way of the inimitable Mike Hendrix comes this heapin' helpin' of Schadenfreude inducement:

Who would have thought that Barack Obama would come off as the candidate with a hollow core?

Yet there he was, giving a presentation devoid of substance, vision, principle, or even basic coherence. He didn’t show a spark of anger, even when Romney slyly found a way to call him a boy, comparing Obama’s statements to the sorts of childish lies his “five boys” used to tell.

How the right’s hard-core racists must have howled at that! Mitt, at long last, has secured his base.

Now, you have to expect a leftist writer to try playing the racism-card; at this point, they have nothing else. But we haven't gotten to the really good part yet:

[Obama] runs for president as a populist, soaking up all the liberal energy for change in the country. Once in power, he surrounds himself with failed conservative advisers, and squanders most of his mandate. Then, just as it looks as if he will still be able to defeat his clueless Republican opponent, he turns in the worst performance any presidential candidate has ever given in a general-election debate, tanking the race and turning the country over to a party of fanatical Ayn Rand acolytes and warmongers. [Emphasis added by FWP.]

Forgot to take your meds again, Mr. Baker? Just lie down over here and I'll have one of the nurses set up an IV for you.

For the life of me, I haven't laughed so hard in years -- and in my neighborhood at this hour of the morning, that's an indictable offense.

We're driving them nuts, Gentle Reader. They're going around the proverbial bend in their attempt to distance themselves from The Loser. But really, given the objective facts of the matter, what else should we have expected?

They selected an undistinguished Chicago machine politician, pushed him to the front ranks of their political party, insisted that his rather pedestrian gift for vapid oratory was a grand synthesis of the best elements of Lincoln, Disraeli, and Churchill, and promoted him as if he were the Second Coming. So what if he didn't have a single honest achievement of his own? So what if he had to conceal, most carefully, all the factual details of his early life? So what if among his closest associates and advisors were some of the most despicable persons in America -- a savagely anti-American, racialist preacher; a pair of open, unrepentant terrorists, and a miscellany of assorted felons?

In 2008, Barack Hussein Obama was the best they could do, and nothing has changed since then.

Mind you, this isn't completely unalloyed good news. In a competition of this sort, the stronger competitors tend to sink to the level of the weaker ones. The Republican Party has not distinguished itself these past few decades. It's tossed up one "moderate" after another -- and not just by the will of its kingmakers; with the cooperation of Republican activists and primary voters, as well. Solid conservatives have struggled for acceptance and haven't really done well at it, despite the 2010 Tea Party successes.

Nevertheless, there is opportunity here. If you have time, energy, and a modest amount of money with which to play -- fun-chips only, please -- now is the time to invade your county Republican Party and start to take it over from within. Weakness is omnidirectional; exploit it! Help to make the GOP a true representative of American conservatism and Constitutionalism...something it's never really been, the blatherings of assorted pundits across the political spectrum notwithstanding.

Mitt Romney will have his turn at the nation's helm. The gaggle of wishy-washy Republicans in Congress will dominate national legislation for the next few years. Let's see if we can nurture a better crop to come after them.

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