Saturday, April 25, 2015

Assorted, Howard Beale Edition

     ...because you’ve got to get mad.

     First, one in the eye for the feminist viragoes: Did you know that while Emma Sulkowicz was parading around Columbia University carrying a mattress and accusing Paul Nungesser of having raped her, Nungesser was forbidden to say anything about the incident?

     Paul Nungesser was found “not responsible” for sexually assaulting another student at Columbia University. The student who accused him, Emma Sulkowicz, has since begun carrying a mattress around the university as part of an art project to protest a finding she claims was unfair.

     Sulkowicz’s activism earned her an invitation to President Obama’s State of the Union address Tuesday night from Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y. When Nungesser heard of the invitation, he blasted the senator for rewarding Sulkowicz’s attacks against him.

     “I am shocked to learn that Sen. Gillibrand is actively supporting Ms. Sulkowicz’s defamation campaign against me by providing her with a public forum in which to broadcast her grave allegation,” Nungesser told New York Magazine on Tuesday. “By doing so, Sen. Gillibrand is participating in a harassment campaign against someone, who, for good reason, has been found innocent by all investigating bodies.”

     Hearken to Ace of Spades:

     Sulkowicz was permitted by Columbia to carry around a mattress to further defame Nungesser, and even make her carrying around of that mattress her senior art project -- for college credit.

     Note that Nungesser has been cleared multiple times of the claims Emma Sulkowicz has made against him -- and the charges that Sulkowicz induced two other women to file against him, in a sort of warped solidarity.

     And Sulkowicz also tried to bring charges with the NYPD -- who also refused to prosecute.

     But throughout this, Sulkowicz has spoken to the media -- violating Columbia's confidentiality rules -- and made it easy to determine who she was accusing.

     However, Nungesser himself has not spoken to the media much, until recently.

     He was bound by confidentiality, whereas Sulkowicz paraded around that mattress, claiming he'd raped her.

     Truly, sometimes there are no words of sufficient power. Remember this story the next time some “angry ugly girl” preaches at you about the “rape culture.”

     Now for the homosexuals: Apparently “Gay Pride” is quite all right, but ”Straight Pride” is a step too far:

     Posters promoting a "straight pride" week at a northeast Ohio university were removed this week after student leaders determined that the message went beyond free speech.

     Youngstown State University student government leaders told WKBN-TV they decided to remove the posters after consulting with university officials.

     The posters were hung around campus earlier this week. They included profanity and promoted the event as a time to not highlight sexual orientation or differences among students. They encouraged students to "go about your day without telling everyone about how 'different' you are."

     Campus leaders said that while they believe the posters were meant as satire, the message was inappropriate.

     The posters contained a simple message:

     Join us in celebrating straight pride week at YSU by not annoying the shit out of everyone about your sexual orientation!

     It’s easy to join too! Just come to YSU, then go about your day without telling everyone about how “different” you are.

     “Anti-joiner” Fran could get behind that! But apparently the YSU student government considers the advocacy of decorous silence “discriminatory.”

     Ah, the Muslims, those lovable, open-minded guys:

     The University of Maryland joins the University of Michigan in the ranks of educational institutions with an “American Sniper” controversy.

     Muslim student protests prompted the University of Maryland at College Park to announce the cancellation of the movie about deceased Navy SEAL Chris Kyle.

     “American Sniper only perpetuates the spread of Islamophobia and is offensive to many Muslims around the world for good reason. This movie dehumanizes Muslim individuals, promotes the idea of senseless mass murder, and portrays negative and inaccurate stereotypes,” the university’s Muslim Students Association said in its petition, Fox News reported Thursday.

     The Oscar-winning movie was supposed to be shown on May 6 and 7, but the university’s Student Entertainment Events (SEE) postponed the event on Wednesday.

     “SEE is choosing to explore the proactive measures of working with others during the coming months to possibly create an event where students can engage in constructive and moderated dialogues about the controversial topics proposed in the film,” SEE said in a statement posted on the university’s website, Fox reported.

     Gee, do you suppose these Muslim students might have relatives who rejoiced at the fall of the World Trade Center?

    “Please!” the driver said as he was lifted into the air. “You cannot do this to me!”
    “Did I listen to any of the rest of them?” Mike asked as the driver was lowered over the side. “Do you listen to the pleas of your victims? To the men whose throats you cut? To the little girls that get raped for the sins of their brothers? Do you care for those you’re starving to death in the Sudan? Did you listen to the pleas of the pilots you dragged through the streets of Mogadishu? Did you jump for joy when the Towers fell? Did you, YOU CAMEL-SUCKING FUCK?”

     Oh yes, John Ringo!

     While we’re “in college,” let’s have a look at a “high-tech” way of propagandizing students about “rape culture:”

     All CSUN [California State University at Northridge] students registering for the 2015 Fall Semester are being forced to participate in an online, SIMS-style character game about sexual assault before being allowed to claim a seat for any course.

     The game, titled “Agent of Change” and designed by feminist activists, does not allow students to complete the game until they have given enough “correct” answers as per the designers’ stated philosophical influences, such as “norms challenging,” “feminist theory,” and “social norms theory.” According to the Agent of Change website, the program helps users “see the connections between these power-based violations, how these problems affect their lives, and what they can do to challenge the cultural norms that help sexual violence flourish.”

....Interestingly, Agent of Change also claims that “a team from the Department of Defense reviewing sexual assault prevention programs has evaluated Agent of Change and classified it as highly recommended.” Indeed, several Air Force bases have been utilizing Agent of Change.

     But don’t expect these “agents of change” to listen to a contrasting viewpoint:

     Left-leaning student activists at Oberlin College hung posters at the Christina Hoff Sommers event earlier this week that identified the students involved in bringing the individualist-feminist and AEI scholar to campus.

     Each poster gave the name of a specific student-member of the Oberlin College Republicans and Libertarians and accused that person of perpetuating rape culture.

     Images of the posters were sent to Reason via a source who asked not to be named for fear of retaliation. The last names of the students identified by the posters were blurred before Reason received them.

     Still want your kids to go to college...or enlist in the military?

     Of course, to those on the Left, Christians are Public Enemy Number One:

     If you are a Bible-believing Christian, there is no place for you in Barack Obama’s version of the U.S. military. Christian service members all over the nation are being disciplined for reading their Bibles, talking about their faith publicly and encouraging others to live a moral lifestyle. And just saying the name of “Jesus” at the wrong place or the wrong time while serving in the military is enough to spark a national controversy. We live at a time when political correctness in America is wildly out of control, and thanks to Obama the U.S. military has become one of the most politically correct institutions in our society. Things have gotten so bad that dozens of top officers that did not agree with Obama’s views have been forced out of the military in recent years. The U.S. military is being transformed into an overtly anti-Christian institution, and for those of us that are Christians that is a very chilling development.

     Tens of thousands of men took up arms and went to Europe and the Pacific to defend oppressed and besieged others because they felt it to be their Christian duty. Given the above, what are the odds that that would happen today?

     They don’t call Philly the City of Brotherly Love for nothing:

     A security video showing a mob of students brutally beating two high schoolers in a Philadelphia subway station on Tuesday is being investigated by the city’s transportation officers.

     “It’s an outrageous event. This is so dangerous, it’s not even funny,” Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority Police Chief Thomas J. Nestel III told

     “We have operating trains down there. There are passengers waiting for the train ... it’s horrendous.”

     The video, which was time-stamped around 3:15 p.m., shows about a dozen teenagers either participating in a one-minute assault on two male students, or cheering it on.

     One of the assailants falls onto the subway tracks, pulls himself out and reenters the thrashing. A girl in the crowd tries to film the fight on her phone.

     Several of the teen brutes repeatedly stomp a victim’s head as he’s lying on the ground.

     Go to the article. Watch the embedded video. Look at all those “brothers!” Ain’t love grand?

     To be a conservative politician is practically indictable. But apparently, in the eyes of at least one Wisconsin fire chief, to be a successful conservative governor is to forfeit your rights:

     Since he was elected to the governor, Governor Walker’s Facebook page has been ripe with threats of violence against the governor and his family, but rarely has it been from a fellow public official.

     Amherst Fire Chief Victor Voss became one of those rare exceptions when he posted on a thread that had a photo of Walker at a ground breaking ceremony for new business opening in Grand Chute.

     Instead of being happy for the residents of Grand Chute who need the jobs, Chief Voss decided to make an ass of himself.

     Do you think Chief Voss will endure any discipline for promoting violence against...a Republican?

     That’s it for today, Gentle Reader. I’m all madded out. I can’t do this sort of work for too long without exhausting myself. But I hope I’ve gotten you to rear up and bellow about something. It’s good for catharsis, if nothing else.

1 comment:

  1. Here's more SJW bullshit...


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