Sunday, July 5, 2015

Some Announcements

     First, Linda Fox, a worthy Co-Conspirator at League of Outlaw Bloggers, has just started a new project and a blog to go with it:


     ...which will be dedicated to combating government propaganda and its efforts to censor the rest of us. Linda hasn’t yet announced the full scope of her intentions – for example, whether she intends to blog alone, or will invite co-bloggers – but in any case, this is a site that will bear watching.

     Second, I too have started a new project and an associated blog:

Catholics Alone

     This new site will be dedicated to providing perspectives, companionship, and comfort to those Catholics who, for whatever reason, are alone in their families or their communities. There are more such Catholics than one might imagine; for example, many of us married outside the Faith, or became Catholic or returned to Catholicism after having married a non-Catholic. It’s a demographic that knows unique stresses and strains, to which I hope to render service over the coming years – and yes, I am soliciting co-bloggers. (Catholics, of course.)

     Third, don’t expect too much from me this coming week, as I’m going house-hunting on the North American Continent. Long Island is getting to be too crowded, and has long been too expensive for a retiree of ordinary means. Also, this being Beth’s and my 24th anniversary, celebration will shortly ensue, and who can say how long it will last? I mean, we’ve escaped the dread clutches of 23, haven’t we?

     Be well!

     All my best,


  1. And a very Happy Anniversary, in advance of same!!! Hope you are able to find some neck of the woods which meets both your and your Sweeiteheart's specifications. There are still some good spots left.

  2. Excellent project in Catholics Alone. I'm not quite there, but I'm in the buckle of the Bible Belt, where they don't much like us.

  3. Good for you, Fran. My wife and I have known each other for over 36 years, but only married for the last 21, after a prior marriage for both of us.

    I am glad you are leaving that area. I have very fond memories of the places I lived and frequented on both shores of Long Island, including graduating from high school in Port Jeff. Considering what I have garnered from your writings concerning your political conservatism and your religious life (I am a lapsed Catholic who took First Communion and Confirmation there on Long Island), I feel certain you would be much happier outside of New York State. In spite of how beautiful are so many parts of upstate NY - like "Onteora" and the Catskills.

    You may not decide to "go Galt" as I have (to a great extent) here in the mountains of MT, but I wish you the best of luck, happiness, and what peace of mind may attend finding a place to live that will lessen the blows we face from what America has become. The Mountain States have much to offer, even if Ben Raines was unable to hold the Tri-State area together for as long as he would have liked. Johnstone's _Out of the Ashes" series, and Rawles _Patriots_ series picked this neck of the woods for some good reasons.

    Take care,

  4. I forgot to ask: Are you moving to Onteora County? ;-)

  5. (chuckle) No, Weet, not yet. But there was a time at which moving to the Boiceville, NY area, which is where the Onteora Indians once lived, was a possibility.

    There's a story behind that episode that I haven't time to tell just now. Soon, I promise.


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