Saturday, November 21, 2015

Simple as that -- replacement.

One insight into this radical change in border policy, now being applied by EU institutions, might lie in a detailed proposal published in 2000 by the United Nations. It advocated the "replacement" of Europe's population by Muslim migrants from the Third World.
"The True Cost of Europe's Muslim "Enrichment." By George Igler, Gatestone Institute, 11/18/15.


  1. One World Government means no national identity, nay, no identity of any type, only compliant homosapiens all mixed together in a single harmonious class.

  2. Our betters at the UN, EU and the DC Uniparty decided that John Lennon's "Imagine" was a blueprint for the future. Batten down the hatches.

  3. The apotheosis of western civilization turned out to be The Great Glop of Humanity. Who knew?


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