Thursday, September 8, 2016

America's undeniable decline.

I don't have a lot to add to this theme just now. The second passage quoted below speaks volumes by itself so that's that.

The article by Publius Decius Mus is excellent and is strongly recommended. He captures the uselessness of our "conservative" warriors over recent decades. Sounding good on any one day but, like Ryan, doing jack to do anything like carry the fight to the leftists destroyers.

For purposes of the present article, here's his thought on the possibility of the dying of the republic. Groveling before foreigners and minorities is but one of many symptoms of this:
One of the Journal of American Greatness’s deeper arguments was that only in a corrupt republic, in corrupt times, could a Trump rise. It is therefore puzzling that those most horrified by Trump are the least willing to consider the possibility that the republic is dying. That possibility, apparently, seems to them so preposterous that no refutation is necessary.[1]
The economic collapse has been engineered by the best and brightest and reflects the combined wisdom and political maneuvering of Republicans and Democrats alike. As I like to say, people intend the natural consequences of their acts. Destruction is what's been on the menu:
Since the year 2000, the United States has lost five million manufacturing jobs even though our population has grown substantially since that time. Manufacturing in America is in a state of stunning decline, our economic infrastructure is being absolutely gutted, and our formerly great manufacturing cities are in an advanced state of decay. We consume far more wealth than we produce, and the only way that we are able to do this is by taking on massive amounts of debt. But is our debt-based paper economy sustainable in the long run?[2]
[1] "The Flight 93 Election." By Publius Decius Mus, Claremont Review of Books, 9/5/16.
[2] "From An Industrial Economy To A Paper Economy – The Stunning Decline Of Manufacturing In America." By Michael Snyder, The Economic Collapse, 9/5/16. H/t: Gates of Vienna.


  1. China has a comprehensive manufacturing economy, including locally developed high technology. It has the most super computers (167) of any country in the world, and the number of installed units in China is increasing, whereas it is decreasing everywhere else, including the US. China also has the two fastest super computers, both designed and built locally.

    The Chinese manufacturing economy is now superior to that of the US or Europe. We depend on them for high tech items. Our heavy industry, things like ship building, has been gutted, and is still shrinking. We may soon lose one of the few ship yards we have than can build modern warships.

    I would say that the US vis a vis China today is is a similar relationship as Japan vis a vis the US was in the 1940s. Considering Chinese expansion, things do not look good for us in the near future.

  2. I still can't figure out what those who've engineered the destruction hope to gain. It may be some quasi-religious devotion to socialism?

  3. Sykes.1, that's an accurate account from what I know. I once heard a speaker at an AA meeting recount how his life had been devastated in every way by alcohol. He then observed that his best thinking got him there. Surely one of the most insightful remarks I've ever heard.

    What you described need not have been. I mean, who in his right mind thought that effecting the transfer of thousands of U.S. factories to the shores of a communist dictatorship that is a strategic competitor is a terrific idea? Answer: our best and brightest thought that. Lord love a duck. Are there no Beautiful People who can think past Saturday night?

    The U.S.-Japan gap in those times was a bit wider than the one you suggest exists now between us and China but it's still there. Profoundly important strategic interests have been ignored by Clinton onward (and Bush '41 should probably be tacked on). There can be the yawning gulf you describe when the issue is strategic thinking rather than technical knowledge. It's like watching a Three Stooges movie.

  4. Weetabix, that's the $64 Question. Utopianism (socialism, equality, welfare state, multiculturalism) captured the mind of men sometime in the Enlightenment so that if men thought that if they can conceive of a desirable result that result is, therefore, achievable. Opponents who doubt the result are evil. Modern world history in two sentences.

    The immense productivity of free markets and capitalism also has led to an insulation of silly twits from the consequences of their actions. Nothing is testable and all contrary data are simply not seen.

    Silliness reigns with a dash of the female franchise, greed, and lust for power. But mostly silliness. Only Solzhenitsyn's "pitiless crowbar of events" will restore a respect for the Laws of Nature or Nature's God.

  5. Part of the confusion of 'how could they do this' is the basic assumption that the 'best and brightest' actually have the same interests as true Americans do. Once you jettison that assumption things become clear. Qui bono and it is scary. The ironic part is that this music has played before to the eventually detriment of the 'best and brightest' yet they think this time it will be different. In a way it will be different but only in application not effect.


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