Thursday, August 17, 2017

On removing Confederate monuments.

Why not just remove the name of anyone who was ever wrong about anything from the beginning of time from the history books ? Get it over with now and utopia will surely be achieved!

Comment by RhoneGSM on "Tucker Carlson Obliterates Bill Kristol, Says He's 'Glued to Social Media Like a Slot Machine Junkie in Reno'." By The_Real_Fly, Zero Hedge, 8/17/17.


  1. I moved from the Northeast to a rural area of the Shenandoah Valley. I live in a farmhouse that was built in 1853. The first two owners of the house were members of the Fourth Virginia Infantry Regiment under the command of Stonewall Jackson. I fly the Battle Flag of the Army of Northern Virginia at my home. Not because I am a racist but because I know history. I know the blood debt of suffering and death that Southerners paid for America's original sin. My neighbors are good people who deserve respect. They are not responsible for slavery. All those folks are long dead. Instead, they have become the pariahs of the American Left. Let me tell you, I am pissed. I can only imagine how they feel. The Left wants blood. They might be surprised whose blood ends up being spilled if they don't come to their senses.

  2. Anonymous, well said. I do think that the idea of Southerners paying some kind of debt for slavery is wrong on several counts. First, not everyone owned slaves and slavery was imposed on non-slave owners north and south. The non-slave owners were no more responsible for slavery than you and I are. It was truly astonishing that anyone in our culture thought back then, hey, let's enslave some Africans and bring them here. I suppose that reveals my supposition that all of Western history after, say, 1000 AD was a phenomenon of gradual amelioration and progress toward greater popular sovereignty. I ignore the sheer ubiquity and permanence of evil. Still, a monumental crime inflicted on the slaves and the rest of us. America has from the very git had to deal with the rotten institution of slavery and the impossibility of living as equals with freed blacks. That there is crime speak but inevitable detroitization and baltimorization of just about every major American city point they way to the Great Epiphany. The civil rights spasm was an enormous waste and separation of the races is the only thing that will restore us to any kind of domestic peace and political sanity.

    The left is all about The Lie. The lies of racial equality, of multiculturalism, of white privilege, of white genocide, of gun control, of open borders, inter alia. Even modern American whites will eventually take the position, "Don't **** up my back and tell me that it's rain." And make no mistake. This is deadly serious business. I read of AntiFa scum CHASING AFTER a lawful demonstrator to inflict bodily harm on the man. They will reap the whirlwind with that kind of evil behavior. Beware the fury of a patient man, as the saying goes.

    My grandfather, great grandfather, and an uncle were in a Union regiment. They were no more virtuous or understanding or responsible than the first two owners of your house.

  3. Swingingrichard, not me. The reigning idea in Lincoln's head was that bigger is better. We now seen how that movie turned out and the main lesson to be learned is that centralization was unstoppable. The most vile "constitutional" doctrines were enthusiastically embraced by Court, Congress, and president and every dumbass idea that comes out of the mouths of the likes of Maxine ripple through the land like a special sauce at McDonalds. Trump simply didn't understand that restroom policy is a state issue not a federal one. Ditto, health care and we can see THAT partikaler idea is as popular in Washington and the media as the proverbial whore at a Sunday school picnic.

    The slavery issue would have resolved itself in the blink of the historical eye and the whole specious, oppressive exercise was not worth the death of one American, let alone over 600,000. I return you now to the latest outrages.


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