Saturday, August 26, 2017

Too Good An Idea Not To Share

     ...especially in view of Europe's “refugee crisis:”

     Swedish women are being raped -- including gang raped -- in increasing numbers as the flood of Middle Eastern “refugees” continues. How about offering them a welcome here where they can feel safe, Americans?


  1. Only if they're not allowed to vote. They voted for the government of Sweden after all.

  2. (chuckle) A good point, Jason. But get them married off to a few American alpha males and the problem might solve itself, wouldn't you say?

  3. I do hope we have enough alphas to accommodate a flood of such women.

  4. Jason's point is a good one. Even if they can't vote, they are too liberal and would drive our society further left.

    They have crapped their bed, and now they must lie in it.

  5. Why would we want to do such a foolish thing? It is Swedish *women* who support the political policies that are destroying Sweden.

  6. The best thing for Swedish and German women would be for them to suffer the consequences of their support for the Muslim invasion.
    And it is primarily women who support it.


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