Monday, February 26, 2018

Bad Russians.

Ray McGovern describes his first day on the job if he is ever appointed CIA director:
Nor am I inclined to take seriously former National Intelligence Director James Clapper’s stated views on the proclivity of Russians to be, well, just really bad people — like it’s in their genes. I plan to avail myself of the opportunity to discover whether intelligence analysts who labored under his “aegis” were infected by his quaint view of the Russians.

I shall ask any of the “handpicked” analysts who specialize in analysis of Russia (and, hopefully, there are at least a few): Do you share Clapper’s view, as he explained it to NBC’s Meet the Press on May 30, 2017, that Russians are “typically, almost genetically driven to co-opt, penetrate, gain favor, whatever”? I truly do not know what to expect by way of reply.[1]

It’s a bit disquieting (he said by way of understatement) that a man such as Clapper was the most senior official in the U.S. intelligence community until recently. Just the sort of man you want advising the president on matters affecting Russia. Policy formulation based on laughable caricatures.

[1] "My First Day as CIA Director." By Ray McGovern, Russia Insider, 2/26/18.


  1. I see people like Clapper and wonder how they got there.
    Brennan is even worse!

  2. It's stupidity near as I can tell. Whatever the faults of the Constitution it was a noble effort to create a new form of government that would preserve liberty while allowing for normal government functioning as close to the voters as possible.

    That has been cast aside in favor of the Maxine Waterses, Nancy Pelosis, Michael Moores, Rachel Maddows, Jeb Bushes, FDRs, LBJs, WJCs, Ws, Obongos, and the NYTes. All full of third-rate ideas and the quest for personal advantage. However this gaggle of cretins and arbitrary "law" can be described by political scientists, it's to the Constitutional scheme as a dead skunk is to a candlelight dinner.

    As that guy at AA said after recounting the utter disaster his life had become while an active drunk, "And my best thinking got me there." Our most brilliant minds in terms of raw cerebral horsepower came up with something -- and the people to man it -- that would defile a dumpster.


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