Friday, November 29, 2019

Can't stop the signal!

Some of you folks may have noticed that my usual habitat has been, shall we say, reliably unreliable the last couple-three days. As it happens, Ye Olde CF Blogge appears to have been hacked, thoroughly and severely, right down to some quite puzzling rewrites and malicious alterations made to the .htaccess page. So whilst the fine folks at Hosting Matters burn some holiday-weekend hours cleaning up the mess, I simply MUST post this here. Enjoy.

I ask you all: how can you not LOVE the guy? First, this happened:

Pretty funny, no? Of course it is. Not without a nugget of truth at its core, either. In any event, Trump proudly put it out there for all the Twitterverse to enjoy. Then, the predictable Enemedia/Progtard (BIRM) shriekfest over this "DOCTORED! DOCTORED!! DOCTORED, I say!!!" photo happened.

Now, Trump could've just stopped right there. He'd already masterfully PWNED! liberal hysterics one and all, in his inimitable God-Emperor-level trolling fashion. He would have been justified in just sitting back to bask in the cozy afterglow of another easy win, his day's work done, and quite well at that.

Ahh, but if you expected that, then you don't know him very well, do you? Because then, this happened:

It's entirely possible that somebody on Team Trump didn't receive instructions from the Very Top to have a few thousand of these printed out, poster-size, and gotten into the hands of those gutsy, doomed Hong Kong protesters. But I wouldn't want to bet that way, myself.

Incredibly, AWESOMELY, though, Trump wasn't done even yet—although this next might fairly be considered to be somewhat unrelated to the above merriment.

Bill O’reilly had an extensive and semi-casual interview with President Trump a few days ago. Mr. O’Reilly released the full interview for Thanksgiving. They cover a lot of ground.

O’Reilly is a decent interviewer, but doesn’t understand the complexity of the President Trump’s strategy in the geopolitical realm. The underestimation is not an O’Reilly weakness; the apparatus of ‘media’ do not grasp the full context of the background work POTUS has put into a global trade reset. The global reset is a massive and ongoing plan.

Specifically as it pertains to China, O’Reilly is stuck in the traditional financial perspective that no U.S. President could ever walk away from China; which is exactly what President Trump is doing. So at 19:00 of the video below, O’Reilly asks: “what’s holding up the China deal?” To wit, President Trump pauses and matter-of-factually says:

…”ahhhhhh, ME!”

It’s a hilariously Trumpy moment.

Ain't it. Ain't it just. All in all, just another great moment in the greatest, most entertaining presidency Real Americans have ever had the opportunity to revel in, or ever will.


  1. Whuh-oh. Now I'm nervous, was that cheapammo dot com plug legit?

  2. Yeah, it actually was. I've known those guys for a while, they've even sent me samples once or twice. Everything seems to be cleaned out and back up to standard for the nonce.


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