Monday, November 11, 2019

This Must Go Viral

     Someone clever – probably not officially an associate of the Trump for President campaign – has made a terrific commercial for his re-election:

     Spread it around!


  1. Only problem with that ad is they used a Soviet era Russian Kiev-class battle-cruiser/carrier.

  2. Hi Beans. That would be the Russian connection, doncha know.
    Anyhow, I will put this up on my blog, because I think it rocks.

  3. Including it in my next QUICK HITS (posting today, I hope) - and a HT to you for the source.

  4. Better download this before youtube removes it for hate, or something.

  5. It should be tested in California before introducing it to other markets.

  6. Yes. Posted. Hopefully others pick it up too.


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