Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Working on Mobility

It's been a tough month or so, physically. My painful knee MAY be on the mend, but it will be some time before I can be sure.

Yesterday, I managed to grab a quick appointment with my orthopedic guy. He's seen me for several years about knee issues (torn meniscus, osteoarthritis), and a few broken bones. This time, I got a cortisone shot straight into each knee - NOT fun, but, with the help of a freezing solution, bearable.

I saw some improvement by the evening - less pain, greater mobility. By this morning, I noted less favoring the right side when walking. There is still stiffness and some pain, but much less.

For the next few months, I'm going to concentrate on PT exercises, water-based exercise, and using whirlpools for joint relief. My ultimate goal is to lose weight, and get some of the stress off my knees. I lost my FitBit on the Thanksgiving trip, so I'm going to look for a replacement, perhaps one of the watch types (larger, and perhaps harder to lose).


  1. Linda; Been through a nearly identical process myself. Pain, lots at times. Multiple knee injections; Cannot remember how many. Progress slow.

    Got so bad I could hardly walk at all. Ended up with a knee replacement which once the surgical pain passed, the knee pain was gone. Better to do it while your knee is still strong than to wait and have a longer road back.

    Just my experience and I do hope you are more comfortable and get around better towards Christmas.

  2. I must be a bigger wimp than you - my knees are not nearly bad enough for replacement. Still pain is relative. Wouldn't wish it on anyone.


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