Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Yes, I'm Back

...though God knows for how long.

Eternity Road was wearing me down in many senses. The straw that broke this camel's back was a contretemps with my Webmistress, without whom I was helpless, as she and she alone understood the Expression Engine technology that powered the site. I'm better off here, even if Google is quite as capable of yanking the rug out from under me, if it should decide to do so.

For the present, I'm alone here. If I can get some traffic, perhaps I'll attempt to persuade one or two of my former Co-Conspirators to join me here. Until then...

All my best,
Francis W. Porretto

P.S.: No, the Curmudgeon Emeritus has not been invited!


  1. But, but ... I like the Curmudgeon!
    Anyway, I'm glad you'll still be around, Fran - the innerwebs wouldn't be the same without you!:D

  2. Good luck, I'll be linking to you.

  3. Glad to see you'll still be with us in the blogosphere. I'll post the news of your new home tomorrow, to help spread the word.

  4. Wonderful! I hope t goes well for you Francis. I'll put up a link at my site and drive some of our hooligans your way.

  5. I'm glad to read what you have to say for as long as your prepared to keep saying it!

  6. Francis,

    You're here! Good to have you back, though I too liked the Curmudgeon Emeritus. Men of a certain age are entitled to be a little curmudgeonly, I think.

    I haven't been posting much lately. One begins to think that he is spending altogether too much time shrieking at the moment of a great thunder clap, and no one is listening.

    Take care, and God bless you,

    PS I am reading Dinesh D'Souza's new book, "Godforsaken." He is always an interesting author.

  7. It won't be the same without the Curmudgeon, but either way, I'm hooked. Glad to see your prodigious talent has landed somewhere. The internet would be a considerably less sane place without you.

  8. Oh good! I was really worried there that it was all over!

  9. Glad you're not going off the air entirely; I greatly enjoy meandering through your site regularly.

    (I admit, I never post, but then again, I am rarely coherent before my second cup of coffee, either.)

  10. Welcome to blogger. It seems to have matured somewhat since last I used it. Hope it meets your needs. Here's to your continued success. Will add you to the blogroll ASAP.

  11. Darn GOogle....I have a stagnant site at blogger as well. It leaves my sig from that on comments via google. "The Col." is yet another alter ego of mine.

    Guy S. aka "The Col. aka navvet55.

  12. I'm so glad to find that you've only moved, not gone away!

    But I'm sorry to hear of the reason for your move. BTW... um, well... I find it difficult to read white text on black b/g, so I do hope you're planning on new color scheme!

    Anyway... I'll keep on coming back, even if you don't humor my desires!


  13. Thank you for returning; I was unable to email earlier, but let it be publicly said; I enjoyed your screeds and the thought of no longer reading them saddened me.

    Like coffee, you make the morning complete.

  14. Oh, Phew! Just a move.

    Did you, by chance, consider wordpress?

  15. Fran, just before Eternity Road went off the air, you said you would make archives available. I cannot find a new e-mail address for you and the old one appears to have died with the blog.


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