Thursday, April 5, 2012

Eternity Road's Archives...

...are taking me a lot of time and trouble to assemble. Be not afraid;
I'll get them together eventually, and mail out copies to everyone who
has requested one.

Though the fwp --at-- eternityroad --dot-- info address is no longer
serviced, I can still be reached at fporretto --at-- yahoo --dot-- com,
so anyone who has yet to request the archive should write me there.

Meanwhile, who would like to see the old band of Co-Conspirators
assembled here? I'm more than open to it.


  1. YES!!!!
    JoeDaddy in NC

  2. I'll also throw in a hearty YES!!! Time to get the band back together... (or is that the Super Friends at the Halls of Justice?)

  3. Is your Yahoo account active yet, Fran? They don't seem to know fporretto there.

  4. I join with the YES!!!! vote.

    The new digs look pretty dang good, too. Could use some more occupants of the right frame of mind.

    And another "yes"- I'd like the collection of your archives, too. There's still a lot of your stuff I never got to read, and now I want it all!!!


  5. Yes. I'm sure we all have our favourite conspirators and it would be undiplomatic to name them.
    A copy of the archives would be wonderful, but I wonder just how big a file it would be? I'd hate to overload either your email service or your generosity, Francis.

  6. non assentio. credo enim decet "eternity road" requiescere in pace in saecula.


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