Sunday, April 1, 2012

Hatred Of Mankind Knows Many Forms

I once knew a woman who violently opposed dirt-biking -- in the Mojave Desert. Her rationale? "Look at those ruts and trails in the sand! When you scar the desert, it doesn't heal!"

I doubt she was impressed by my counter-argument: "So what?"

Well, there are many deserts in the world, some of which challenge our understanding of the term. Antarctica is one such. Yes, it's covered with ice. Nevertheless, by the conventional definition of a desert landscape -- one visibly devoid of water in the liquid state -- it's as much a desert as the Sahara.

And just like my old acquaintance, there's a man who wants to "keep Antarctica pristine:"

Robert Swan was the first person in history to have walked to both the North and South Pole.

Working off of what he experienced he started an organization called "2041." The purpose of is to wake up people from around the globe as to the need to extend the Antarctic treaty past its current sunset in 2041. One person, Robert Swan, started a whole movement.

The treaty keeps Antarctica pristine for not only our generation but for future generations as well.

Antarctica could be quite valuable real estate, if its riches were properly appreciated and exploited. It conceals deposits of fuels and minerals enough to satiate the human race for a millennium or more. But in its "pristine" state, it's near to worthless except as an outpost for weather observation. Yet this Swan character, like my abovementioned acquaintance, wants to keep Antarctica "pristine," meaning valueless to the 99.999999% of Mankind that will never, ever go there.

Such a desire is inexplicable upon any basis but utter hatred of Mankind.

Beware such persons. They posture as noble souls, dedicated to a cause greater than themselves. What they are is obsessives consumed by an anti-human ideology that admits of no scheme of values that differs from their own.

We must learn to recognize and denounce such ideological evil. Up to now we haven't done a good job of it. It's becoming critically important; they're massing for a final strike, after which to dig into the Earth for anything, even to bury a dead pet, will be forbidden us.

There isn't much time left.


  1. Did you ever discuss the Georgia Guidestones? (I don't recall that in the death cult series.) It's another one of those monuments to the Green vision that warns humanity of the animus aimed at it by those with the money and influence to gather power to agents of their choosing.

    Similarly, do you know if CS Lewis ever let on that he knew some of the people involved? So that he could write so accurately of their intentions? Conditioners indeed have been quite effective.

    As I recall, Lewis was forced from his position at Cambridge because of the Fabian's opposition to him. I find it chilling that the rights to all of his works were sold by his step daughters to the Fabian Society.

    That being so, we cannot say they hid any of it from us (that we know of). How's that for brazenness? They were that certain of success. God help decent human beings.

  2. We get cranks like that up here all the time. They hate the idea that we are living here, utilizing resources, and enjoying ourselves in the day-to-day combat with the Alaskan wilderness. They come, they complain, they bellyache, they demand protection for the environment that will tie our hands when it comes to dealing with the harsh climate. Then they go back to Boston or New York or Chicago and brag to their friends about the blows they struck on behalf of helpless nature.


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