Monday, April 9, 2012

The Test Of Fire

It is beyond question that in the past, the Catholic Church in America has unwisely taken political positions that are antithetical to the American ideals of individual freedom, personal responsibility, and Constitutionally limited government. But it is also beyond question that the Democrats, whose passion for power respects no bounds, have targeted the Church as a principal adversary in the upcoming election. There is no other imaginable explanation for the Obamunists' determination to impose a requirement on Catholic institutions to provide their employees health insurance that will cover contraception and abortifacients.

Which makes this ad eminently worthy of wide promotion:

May God protect the United States from all enemies foreign and domestic, enlighten her electorate as we draw near to November, and guide the Church in all places and times.


  1. Posted over at Crusader Rabbit with a link back to here.

  2. Excellent. This won't be appearing on mainstream TV - can you imagine ABC/NBC/CBS selling 3 minutes at any price to Catholics? They are in Obama's pockets.

    We all need to say it:
    I am Catholic
    I am Protestant
    I am Jewish
    An attack on any one is an attack on all.


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