Saturday, September 1, 2012

"Democracy" as practiced by GOP UPDATED

Some brave soul with a cell phone camera captured this disgusting Teleprompter scripting of  a "vote" choreographed by the Republican party establishment at its recent Romneyfest convention in Tampa and posted it on YouTube.

The Teleprompter scripting caper is not even the "tip of the iceberg". For a more inclusive exposition of political thuggery read this.
Do you understand yet?


  1. Leonidas? (THERE, I finally said it instead of, Greek Guy, but you know who I meant, didn't you?)

    Are you referring to the thingy where Boehner was reading off the teleprompter and was asking for a floor vote to change the way the electors would be treated? I saw a video where it looked like he was just reading off a teleprompter and said THAT, no matter what the vote was.

    As near as I can tell, the issue voted on gave the convention the power to turn away or disempower delegate votes that represented any candidate that had subsequently backed the frontrunner. AND it allowed them to disempower delegates who represented candidates with a "too small" number of votes to "make a difference". . .

    And the real trouble, the voice count that Boehner asked for was NOT conclusive. He just read the winning vote from the teleprompter.


    1) This was a silly power play of the RNC in the 1st place;

    2) Boehner just proved his inability to multi-task at the most basic level: listen to reality while reading a teleprompter;

    3) There are reports that delegates who opposed this measure were prevented from appearing at the convention in time.

    I'll vote for Romney.

    But, WOW! It sure seems like the "powers that be" are trying to squelch the Reagans of 1976 or the Tea Party of now.

    THERE IS A VIDEO that shows the vote AND THE TELEPROMPTER. But, darn it, I can't find it. This is ALMOST it, though. Please listen and read it, without worrying about the silly comments below:

    It seems to me it was either a really stupid, unthinking move of Boehner's - which is bad enough - or a power play by the RNC, which is reason enough to break away from the Republican Party on principal.

    Or it's just proof that the "ruling elite" can do whatever they want - even, supposedly, democratically - to put their mouthpieces in charge.

    I want to be rid of Obama, but I think we're being manipulated, even by the Republican Party.

  2. And the chant that should follow us to hell!

    At the end of Leonidas' video, there is the mindless chant, "USA! USA! USA! USA!"

    What part of demagoguery do these "Republicans" not understand?

    They just voted in a rule that silences and disenfranchises legally voted-in delegates for a president of the United States! And they are chanting, "USA USA USA!"

    Son of a bitch!

  3. Furball,
    You are mostly correct. My Romanized handle is in fact Leonidas.

    The graphic included in the post IS the embedded video. It had been posted on FOX 19 of Cincinnati's site but "mysteriously" disappeared. You need to click on the difficult to see arrowhead icon in the middle of the image and the 2+ minute clip will play. The chanting of USA USA USA is to drown out the motions and seconds from the floor demanding a roll call vote on the Rules Committee report. The "Powers That Be" had already scripted the Teleprompter for Boner to read. The procedure effectively excludes future grass roots movements such as the Tea Party from participating in the nominating process.

    These are the same tactics I observed first hand at two local Georgia conventions. The GOP has adopted what was known as "Democratic Centralism" in the former Soviet bloc.

  4. Rush actually had a good take on this, as well, stating it would be like the consumers of Apple products trying to crash the BoD's meeting and take over the "company." He was dead-on cynical about the whole makeup of the GOP and DNC as mere entities wishing to control where the money goes. And knowing how to get that to happen. Nothing more. No room for ideologues or high-falutin' ideas of liberty. Just move along, rubes, you wouldn't know how to make an iPhone if you tried.

    Rush said it so matter-of-factly: it was dispassionate purposely for effect. And it worked, because it was quite stunning and somewhat frightening.

    Oh yeah, I understand.


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