Saturday, October 20, 2012

Trevor Loudon: An Urgent Message for America: Please Help This Go Viral.

H/t: Gulag Bound.

To the same effect: The disgrace of the Al Smith dinner." By Lawrence Auster, View from the Right, 10/19/12.


  1. I've done my bit (the widow's mite, and all that) by putting this up on my blog with a link back to here, Colonel.
    I lived in NZ for some years and Trevor is either reviled or ignored in that country. Kiwi blogs and the media either ignore him or ridicule him as a "reds under the bed" conspiracy theorist, which is what I'd expect from a socialist country with a corrupt and incompetent media.
    For years, some of us have been saying that the idiot policies of the NZ and Australian governments towards Fijii are calculated to drive that country into the arms of the Chinese.
    Since it's happened, the media and politicians have been very, very more do we hear self-righteous lectures about what Fijii ought to do in order to "restore democracy".
    And of course, no admission of mistakes and failure from politicians......

  2. McCarthy was right. Interesting the array of left wing groups who have demonized McCarthy over the years are the same left wing groups who still "dabble" in communism.

  3. Thanks for the link, Keith. I couldn't get this comment to "take" over at your site so here it is on this side of the Pacifid:

    I love Trevor. I can't imagine wading through reams of leftists drivel day in and day out to compile the info that he does. "Kwame Beadle-Farnesworth, co-chair of the Bondi Beach Committee in Solidarity with Dental Hygienists, welcomed the delegation from Chicago, on its world tour to raise consciousness on the organizing of mass protest next Labor Day on . . . ." How much of that could anyone take? The man's endurance is just phenomenal.

  4. I agree, Anonymous. It's been Job Numero Uno for the left to obscure McCarthy's intelligence and patriotism, and to conceal at all costs the exact nature of what he was on to. The same kind of effort has been expended to characterize fascism as a "right wing" phenomenon to obscure the fact that National Socialist crimes were but a minor variant of the truly gargantuan crimes of the OTHER leftist totalitarian regimes of the 20th century.

    One of the services Glen Beck has performed is to set out the pedigree of the progressives from the beginning of the last century, as well as the degree to which the Democrat Party now is but a shadow of its patriotic, basically rational antecedents up to the sixties.


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