Friday, May 17, 2013

Freedom’s Scion Now Available!

My latest novel, Freedom’s Scion, sequel to the widely praised Which Art In Hope, is now available for your reading pleasure.

Althea Morelon, polymath, psi adept, and the highest child of the anarchic world of Hope, wants to travel the galaxy. Indeed, it’s her dying grandparents’ last wish that she put her enormous gifts to the task of finding a way around the lightspeed barrier and voyaging to Earth, to discover what has become of Man’s homeworld, which has lain silent for many centuries. However, her clan, the foremost of Hope, has other plans for her. Nor will her husband Martin let her go without a fight. Inter-clan struggles, dynastic tensions, and love combine to obstruct her path, as Hope gestates that which its settlers fled Earth to escape: the State.

Only $2.99 at Smashwords, in a wide variety of eBook formats.


  1. I'm curious to see what you've changed...

  2. Thanks, am reading the preview on Kindle.
    Papa Mike

  3. Call me perverse, but I enjoy reading the very last paragraph first and then go back to the beginning to see how the author gets there.

    You miserable old fart. I was expecting many things, but not that!

    Excuse me now, I have to go find out how you got there.

  4. Linked at Crusader Rabbit. Good luck with the latest, Francis.

  5. Porretto, you nasty creature. You end it with a cliffhanger!

    So, when is the next one coming out, vile accursed eft?

    Better be soon, dark lord.

    So, that's what Charisse was up to, eh?

  6. Well, Mark, it is the second book in a trilogy. What would you have thought of The Two Towers without the ending Tolkien gave it?

    Probably Freedom's Fury will take me about a year to produce. Hang on to Hope!

  7. Well hell...been looking all over for "Freedom's Fury" and you haven't written it yet. Now I'm on a cliff hanger.....not fair.
    Papa Mike

  8. But Mike, how could I be certain you'd buy Freedom's Fury without an...intriguing conclusion to Freedom's Scion?

    The Foreword to the current volume expresses the core question of the trilogy. It was on my mind as I wrote Which Art In Hope, and is seldom far from my thoughts.

  9. in hindsight, your use of a large cluebat in the forward should have told me what was to come.

    I did twig on it, but didn't dwell on it since I was in such a hurry to read the rest of it.

  10. Francis,

    Found this because of Western Rifle Shooters. Had to read "Which Art in Hope" and finished "Freedom's Scion" last night.

    Thoroughly enjoyed both. Can't wait for "Freedom's Fury".

    Wow, how did Charisse turn into such a psycho bitch? Reminds me of "power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely"

    You excel in the creation of the characters psyche.

    Now I have a whole year to mull over how this story will develop? In a word, UGH.


  11. I'm sorry, Charles. Part of it is that I don't write full-time, but even if I did, I doubt I'd be able to turn out a (decent, worthwhile) book in a few weeks or a couple of months. There are writers who can do that -- I particularly admire Lawrence Block and the late Robert B. Parker -- but I'm not one of them.

    I put a lot of time into getting to know my characters, possibly more than most other writers. The reason is that my characters are the actual writers. Once I know them adequately well, I don't have to create a plot; I merely write about what they choose to do on their own initiative.

    It takes time, but I like the results. I hope you do, too -- enough to hang in there waiting for Freedom's Fury, at any rate!

  12. Francis,

    Oh, I will wait with anticipation. Like waiting for the catsup to slowly fall from the bottle. :)

    These are very good stories and are worth the wait. In the mean time I will stretch my genre appreciation and read the rest of your books and frequent your blog.

    Your view of Christianity, as I see presented in these two books, fit very well into my view of Providential Sovereignty.


  13. Francis,

    I have read Broken Wings and Shadow of a Sword in past two days.

    I know I'm a nerd.

    Awesome kudos sir. Can't tell you how many times I teared up in both books.

    I've Chosen One as well. I know is out of order but will still enjoy it.

    Keep on writing sir. I will keep buying and reading.


  14. Well, Charles, we nerds must stick together. Many thanks for your kind words. You keep on reading and I'll do my best to keep the pipeline full!

  15. Just bought a copy. Haven't read a word out of it, yet, but I know from the preview chapters you posted online that it's going to be awesome. (Also, you wrote it...ergo, awesome.)

    Also, welcome back. I don't think it could have been even a whole hour between when I gave up and unsubscribed from your RSS feed and when you started posting again, but now I know you're back, and that's also cause for celebration.

    I've missed reading you. Glad I don't have to miss it anymore.


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