Sunday, August 2, 2015

Loathsome, devious, despicable, treasonous, contemptible, sellout Republicans.

Britbart reports that the Republican congressional leadership would not lower themselves to respond to inquiries on whether they would
be willing to support any reduction at all in the record annual dispensation of new green cards and new foreign worker visas.

* * * *

Not one Republican leadership office was willing to even reply to the question. Every GOP leader’s office refused to answer, to express any support for reduced future immigration, or to offer any thought at all on the subject. It appears that not one of these public servants was even willing to engage on the issue of historic immigration transforming the electorate, school systems, and labor markets.[1]

The offices referred to are those of:
  • Senate Majority Leader, Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY).
  • Senate Majority Whip, Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX).
  • Senate Conference Chairman, Sen. John Thune (R-SD).
  • Senate Policy Committee Chairman, Sen. John Barrasso (R-WY).
  • Senate Conference Vice Chairman, Sen. Roy Blunt (R-MO).
  • House Speaker, Rep. John Boehner (R-OH).
  • House Majority Leader, Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA).
  • House Majority Whip, Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA).
  • House Conference Chairwoman, Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA).
  • House Policy Committee Chairman. Rep. Luke Messer (R-IN).
Britbart continues:
As described by Congressional aides who spoke with Breitbart News, while Republicans had an aggressive nationwide push to pass Obamatrade, they have never had a similar media nationwide campaign to protect their constituents from unpopular, uncontrolled immigration: not on sanctuary cities, not on H-1B abuses, not on executive amnesty, etc.

One GOP aide said: “Republican leaders will not, I repeat, will not ever message on how immigration is hurting American workers because they support and want their business buddies to get more foreign workers.” [2]

Immigration is killing this country, transforming it into something nightmarish and unrecognizable where politicians at the highest level care more about jobs for foreigners and taking care of employers eager to pay cut rate wages to compliant foreigners when millions of Americans are out of work and hurting.

I understand differences of opinion on life's issues. No one has a lock on reality or perfect understanding of complex issues. Debate and careful study are always a prerequisite. That said, however, it simply beggars the imagination to witness the degree to which the wholesale importation of foreigners from third-world countries who have no exposure to or understanding of the legal and cultural traditions of this country is seen as an unarguable good, something a priori of immense benefit.

Yet, we are dealing here with the really suspect "f" word that has historically meant trouble for any country. That word is, of course, "foreigner." In any country you want to name large numbers of foreigners introduced into any country anywhere on the planet always, invariably, and without fail have meant disaster, something preceded by a catastrophic failure of arms at the nation's border. The ignorance and recklessness are even worse in Europe where the default position is, IKYN, that invading aliens are to be "rescued" and brought to the homeland itself.

The concept that they should be denied entry and discouraged from further entry by military means appears to be entertained only by idiots, neo-Nazis, heartless monsters, and all manner of disreputable persons.

We in the West are afflicted with a virulent disease that numbs the brain, saps all courage, and causes us to pursue the death of the white race and the civilization it created. Never would the founders of this country have envisioned that the United States would come to be ruled by cowards and fools with nothing but contempt for their fellow citizens and the Constitution and an unchallenged determination to rule by intimidation, force, and lies.

The hope of Philadelphia has devolved into an addled plutocracy wholly indifferent to the wishes and interests of the citizens.

Some small number of us is waking up to the contempt expressed by the ruling class. The fate of Mr. Trump will be interesting. as he resembles slightly some of the occasional outsiders in China who sprang out of nowhere to lead vast armies against the emperor. (I do not equate the views of the Tai Ping leader to those of Mr. Trump. The point is what can happen when nations decay.) He appears to be waffling on amnesty so he may yet prove a disappointment. Gov. Walker shows some stiffening of views on immigration but he has uttered the absurd phrase "our broken immigration system" in the past – which I would not do at sword point – so he's suspect, one must conclude.

Not much mention of the military is made on the issue of immigration per se. Word is that patriotic officers have been purged and one hopes that they have thought about what must be done in the event that the Wesley Clarks of this world start moving units around for "field exercises." Fulgencio Batista was once a sergeant in the Cuban army and the butcher Fidel was once a mere lawyer in need of a shave. The gods have still to weigh in on all of this, though some would laugh at such a thought. I reckon that the concept of an apolitical military does have its limits.

The fulcrum upon which future events will move is, however, not the candidacy of one courageous man or two. Our is a grossly over leveraged economy that can have little resilience left in it given the fiscal and monetary insanity that has been in vogue for 50 years. Nor can we have been strengthened by off-shoring of huge amounts of our manufacturing capacity and the importation of huge, and I do mean, huge numbers of hostile, unassimilable, and parasitic foreigners. Economic collapse seems baked into the cake to my untutored eyes and grocery store shelves can clear in a matter of day.

And that will drive events.

A good friend of mine often likes to remind me that "ultimately, politics and economics must bow down before Mars." Only a few leaders seem to be suggesting anything vaguely resembling even the simplest of solutions to any problem we face here. So, alas, in the next five to ten years Trump, Walker, Fiorina, Sanders, and the scumbag Republicans will be irrelevant and we'll get down to the serious business of settling accounts. During the War for Southern Independence, one Union soldier before the Battle of Saint Mary's Church spoke to a Confederate soldier beforehand to ask him why his uniform was so ragged. The man replied that it wasn't a good idea to wear one's best clothes before butchering a hog.

Perhaps these are sentiments before their time that will amuse the deep thinkers who believe they've got it all under control. But I'm betting good money that what the sellouts have engineered for our country will soon enough give them a taste of what Mars does best.

A sad and alarming thought, it's true, but then who would have thought that what the Framers and Ratifiers set in motion would drown in the perfect storm of ruling class hubris, stupidity, and connivance at total power.

And monstrous betrayal.

[1] "No Congressional GOP Leaders Will Support Reducing Immigration." By Julia Hahn,, 7/31/15.
[2] Id.


  1. Oh, I agree our immigration system is broken, completely broken. It became that way when we stopped enforcing ALL of the laws on the books. Selective enforcement led rapidly to no enforcement, and thus to a completely nonfunctional system. Today, we have chaos, a free-for-all, and to the victor go the spoils. (We Americans are most definitely not the victors, but rather, we are the losers.)

  2. "Ultimately, politics and economics must bow down before Mars."

    Indeed, the problems facing America are so many and so serious that a united American People would have great difficulty in overcoming them, but impossible in a divided nation with a dangerous 5th Column of foreign parasites living in the Homeland.

    I cannot see any peaceful solution.

    "I've seen the future - and brother - it's MURDER." said Cassandra.

  3. I can only say yea and amen, gents. I simply do not ... cannot understand this worship of foreigners and the aberrant and hatred of one's own that drives every aspect of public life. I'm not a man of faith but there seems to be palpable evidence of an active malevolent intelligence that drives events. As I say, it's more than just a simple difference of opinion. Whether to go to Arby's or Big Boys is a legit difference of opinion. Whether to eat a roast beef sandwich with horsey sauce or your neighbor isn't. But the latter type of thinking appears to be the dominant thinking.

    Who in his right mind would want to beggar their fellow countrymen and risk enslaving them under Islamic savagery or subjecting them to the horrors of third world primitivism (much overlap between these two choices) but there are millions of otherwise sensible people of whom it can justly be said that they intend the natural consequences of their acts.

  4. @Colonel Bunny: Do you remember this sci-fi classic?

    The plot involves an alien race of robots determined to kill every human in the universe - which they almost accomplish - except for few survivors of their attack fleeing from them in a junk fleet of space ships.

    The protagonist is a HUMAN - and I thought this character totally unreal - I mean what human being would want to destroy the entire race of men?

    However, after living under the iron heel of Obama for the last 6 and half years, I no longer find such an evil character unbelievable.

  5. Since I believe we citizens are no longer actually able to affect the outcome of national elections - especially since both parties have absolute control over who is allowed to win a primary and who isn't - things will get _much_ worse before we are moved to attempt other methods. It may well come to pass that Churchill's statement about fighting even when there is no hope of winning is our reality.

    Many aspects of Matt Bracken's EFAD trilogy loom closer every day.

    That being said, I really think the Republican candidates understand full-well that to speak on immigration at this point would be political suicide. Perhaps one or two of them would indeed take up the sword were they elected, even intend to do so, but realize they will not be able to do that if they cut their own throat at the start. We can call it cowardice, but if a determined patriot were to strongly desire to get to the White House so that he could do his utmost to correct the damage done, especially in the last 6 years, he would do well to remain quiet on that topic.

    Unfortunately, I do not believe the traitors who control the Republican party will permit a candidate to succeed who will not toe the Republicrat line. You have only to look at the behavior of Boehner, McConnell and the rest of the Republicans in Congress to see that.

  6. Mr. Barbour, I wonder at the same thing. (No. I've not read that story.) I like to say that I'm a great friend of the Christian religion but can't grasp the concept of faith without evidence of the Divine landing on my doorstep like a FedEx package. That said, I find evidence of the existence of Satan to be everywhere. And I'm only half joking. You can't explain stuff that's going on unless you consider the contribution of pure evil. WTF?

  7. Reg T, there's no doubt that the GOP is bought and paid for by the Chamber of Commerce and zealots of the stripe of Gates, Zuckerberg, Adelson, Sabin, Soros, Gelbaum, and Rubio. Trump is, thank goodness, showing that grasping the nettle is in fact wonderfully healthy politically and long may he prosper.

    I'm not familiar with the EFAD trilogy.

    I agree with the idea that representative government is no more. We tend to select nonentities for president here and the wishes of whites on immigration don't trouble any national leader. The E.U. gave the one-finger salute to voters who rejected it in referendums and is itself an unrepresentative, elitist monstrosity. The Greeks voted "no" recently and Tsiparis went with "yes." God knows what the rest of the populations of Europe think about immigration. The seem to be voting for the majority parties with abandon and they starve the salvationist parties of oxygen. Oddly, I think that's actually how they are voting so in one area I have to think that European national governments are in fact representative, though it's clear the populist parties are gaining, however slooooooowwwwlyyyyyyy. Crimanentlies. Do those fools think they have all the time in the fisking world?


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