Sunday, September 13, 2015

Most best description of E.U. madness ever.

The so called European Union is a shambles. An absolute disaster for all the member countries. Can you even imagine something so disasterously stupid and ignorant as a set up like this. Ripping out borders. Ripping up cultures. Supporting and enabling the rape and degradation of the population by the absolutely scummiest ideology to ever erupt on the face of the earth. Close Brussel Sprouts down. Reestablish borders and go to work clearing out the Muslims and other trash. This is war. Do we have to wait to be nuked or worse?
Comment by Living Lies on "Welfare Handouts to Migrants Are Ruining Europe." By Baron Bodissey, Gates of Vienna, 9/6/15.

1 comment:

  1. If a lazy bum comes to your door asking for food or money and you give him some, he my obsequiously give you his thank, but on his way out he will leave a mark on your gate to let all the other bums know you're an easy mark. You will then be inundated with bums with their hands out. Some of whom will eventually turn violent when your own circumstances eventually forces you to day no. The best solution, as cold as it might sound, is to say no the first time and you won't get marked as a sucker. These bums are here not to thank you for your kindness or to to stroke your altruism. They are here to satisfy their own wants. And those just may well include your destruction.


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