Tuesday, December 8, 2015

The question of Obama's allegiance.

Farook’s neighbor [in San Bernardino] told the paper that over the past two years, Farook exchanged his Western dress for Islamic gowns and grew a beard.

These data points lead naturally to the conclusion that Farook and his wife were jihadists who killed in order to kill in the name of Islam.

But in America of December 2015, natural conclusions are considered irresponsible, at best.

In an interview with CNN following the shooting, US President Barack Obama said the massacre demonstrates that the US needs stricter gun laws. As for the motives of the shooters, Obama shrugged. “We don’t yet know the motives of the shooters,” he insisted.[1]

One gets used to the sight of seeing this freak of a man occupying the White House. Let's not forget, however, that his presidency is marked by forgery, evasion, well-funded concealment, and open discussion of his prior heavy drug use and his homosexuality. He has the stink of communism on him from his mentor, the card-carrying communist Frank Marshall Davis, from Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn (communist terrorists), and from his adviser Valerie Jarrett with her two communist connections (grandfather and father-in-law). His "pastor" of 20 years called on God to damn American and bestowed an award on the Nation of Islam's Louis Farrakhan.

A giraffe in Carnegie Hall would make more sense than this Man of Mystery in the Oval Office.

The Founders and Ratifiers relied on the Natural Born Citizen qualification for the presidency to deal with the problem of a president with divided (or no) loyalties. They did not foresee that that protection would be casually ignored, or that the schools and the mighty engines of the press would blanket the country with lies and distortions and raise evasion and concealment to new heights. They also did not foresee that the parasitic, destructive, and revolutionary intellectual force of socialism would enshrine mindless change as the summum bonum and attack centuries of custom and tradition, even common sense itself. Or that millions of citizens would come to believe that government is their friend and that they can vote for legislative theft from more productive citizens.

Hence the rise of Barrack Hussein Obama with a carefully chosen Muslim name, out of nowhere with a paper trail as thin as a regiment of lawyers could make it, to "lead" America in the age of Islamic terror and the revived 1400-year Islamic war on infidels.

This oddity, this freak says he doesn't know the motives of the killers in San Bernadino (I hate the cop jargon of "shooters"). It is a lie. It's obvious that Obama will do all in his power to hinder the development of any kind of a healthy appreciation of the dangers of having Muslims living beside us infidels in our own country. He will do all in his power to increase the numbers of those enemies in our midst. He will do all in his power to advance the interests of the Saudis and the Turks. The remainder of Ms. Glick's article shows the undeniable complicity of the U.S. and Turkey with ISIS. Supporting ISIS and undermining President Assad have been our number top priorities in Syria.

This man is no friend to Americans and that he has the power and respect historically due the occupant of the office of the presidency is an unspeakable tragedy, not something anyone should become accustomed to seeing.

[1] "Column One: America’s pathological denial of reality." By Caroline B. Glick, The Jerusalem Post, 12/3/15.


  1. Thanks to the complicity of the media, those glaring facts have been denied and unspoken by those who _used_ to at least pretend their business was keeping Americans informed.

    Glick is speaking the absolute truth. You certainly do not need a tin-foil hat to understand that. It is not only a tragedy, it is an obscenity, and the people of this country will pay dearly for the conspiracy of communists who worked hard over many years to bring this to fruition, to seat a man in the Oval Office who was not only raised to believe in communism, but to hate the very country he was elected to protect and defend. A man who sees treason as being both acceptable and desirable, because he seeks to destroy America and transform it into "Amerika".

    And that middle finger raised so often against the side of his head is as telling as his refusal to salute or place his hand over his heart when our flag and our country are being honored and shown respect. It angers me that so many on the Left echo his sentiments, yet don't have the courage to leave this country for a communist one. Instead they assist him in tearing down this great experiment in order to repeat the same mistakes made elsewhere so many times.

  2. Well said.

    I am much taken with the idea that never in human history did a poisonous idea take over the minds of vast numbers of intelligent people -- revolution. Millions of otherwise intelligent people were enamored of the idea that everything about their society was worthless and needed to be discarded wholesale. The cultural Marxists took that even further but smart people still lapped it up like with was ambrosia. I like to keep the Bible's "there's nothing new under the sun" in mind at all times but on this I think it really was a new and disastrous development.


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