Sunday, July 3, 2016

The Death Cults Advance

     The subject of death cultism, and the associated worship of death and its instruments, has been much on my mind lately. Time was, I produced a series of essays about it. No, they weren’t about Satanic rituals conducted by mental defectives, but about persons superficially indistinguishable from you and me, among whom death is treated as something sacramental...something to be sought or inflicted.

     Does anyone remember Terri Schindler-Schiavo? How about Amy Richards? More recently, we had this blatant admission by Mary Williams. And just this morning, the indispensable Sarah Hoyt points us to this...phenomenon:

     A Catholic nursing home in Belgium is reported to have fallen foul of the country's courts after refusing to permit a resident to access euthanasia.

     The incident happened in 2011 when Huize Sint-Augustinus home in Diest refused to allow an elderly woman's doctor access to see her – when it was thought she was about to be given a lethal injection.

     The home has been ordered to pay €6,000 (approx $6,600 or £5,000) in damaged to the family of the woman.

     The civil court in Louvain ruled that "the nursing home did not have the right to refuse euthanasia on the grounds of conscientious objection."

     In this case, the 74-year-old who had terminal cancer received the injection in her own house, rather than in the nursing home.

     The seal has been set on the Sacrament of Death:

  • You may kill your unborn child, for any reason or none.
  • If you run a “public accommodation” – i.e., any business of any sort anywhere – you must subsidize your employee’s choice to kill her unborn child.
  • “Health care providers” may sentence you to death de facto, by refusing you “non-beneficial treatment.”
  • As we can see from the article cited above, you can impose your desire to kill yourself even on those who disagree with you.
  • And present trends continuing, you might soon be offered death simply because you’re “in the way” – and not be permitted to refuse the gift.

     And a goodly portion of the American electorate is cheering all these developments.

     I know that among my Gentle Readers are many who don’t believe in God. For such persons, the following will seem a non-statement:

Human life is sacred.

     It is given to us by forces utterly beyond our control. We cannot replicate those processes, nor can we forever thwart the processes that will eventually take our lives from us. If anything in human experience stands qualitatively above all the rest of the observable universe, it is human life: the tripartite entity comprising a flexible, adaptable body, a rational mind, and a morally aware soul.

     I consider the irreproducibility of human life by artifice to be one of the best evidences that we are more than we appear – that beyond the universe our senses perceive lies a higher and grander realm, ruled by a Maker to Whom we owe everything we are, that our souls are made in His image, and that they will survive the deaths of our bodies.

     How dare anyone destroy so precious a gift? How dare anyone assert a right to do so? How dare anyone compel dissenting others to collaborate with him in so vile an act?

     That subterranean chuckling you’re hearing that seems to echo from the walls of the universe? It comes from the being behind all the death cultists’ cults. You might say it was their founder.

     I know religious beliefs are personal things. An old friend with whom I was conversing on a related subject once made an interesting statement about religions. He said that all religions are individual – that no two persons who’ve ever lived agreed on every aspect of their faiths, no matter what label they might have shared. As regards parents’ attempts to instill their faiths in their children, he said that no matter how a parent might strive, his child’s faith would not be sincere until he’d made it his own – that until the child introduced some difference to it, he’d merely be “borrowing” his parent’s creed.

     Stipulate for the sake of argument that whatever labels we might apply to our faiths and ourselves, nevertheless each of us follows a personal religion with which no one else can totally concur. Is there no single tenet that all can accept? Can’t we all agree that human life is sacred, something beyond our ability to replicate that should be exempt from our penchant for unbounded interference?

     The State, of course, will always differ. Ask that Belgian nursing home.

     Euthanasia, also known as assisted suicide, is legal in Belgium. Therefore, the Belgian authorities cannot prosecute Smith for having helped Jones to kill himself, as long as he can establish that Jones was willing to die and wanted Smith’s assistance. But the idea that an institution run by the Catholic Church, which today stands essentially alone against the death cults, should be forced to collaborate in an assisted suicide is something wholly different. It contradicts every notion of “freedom of conscience” to which the states of Europe supposedly assent.

     Europe was once called Christendom. Plainly, Christendom is no more.

     The writing’s been on the wall for several decades. The progress of the death cults in establishing hegemony over those of us who revere life has been more rapid than I expected. To these old eyes it appears that the game is down to the short strokes – that the assertion of limitless State authority over life and death at both ends of the process is nearly upon us.

     May God forgive us for not resisting the death cults while there was still time to do so.


  1. Fran,
    As an OLD operating room nurse, I can tell you that this story started back in the 50's. Hospitals, nursing homes, rehab facilities have been in the business of helping others die for a long time. As long as your family keeps making the payments, we will, maybe, try to keep you alive. Even though you are brain dead, are rotting, and should be allowed to go see your particular god some time ago, we will do are best to make sure your family (or the government) makes your next payment. When I decide that I have lived the best, fullest life that I possibly can, I will take a long walk into a deserted location with no family and no friends to help. I will sit down and wait for my GOD to collect me.

  2. Lavoy Finicum was both offered and prohibited from refusing the "gift" of death by three firearm shots to the back for getting in the way of government omnipotence. The unnamable badged scum who protected and served him to death will only be made to answer for his actions in the next life, as he is an unaccountable, uncaring neo-Gestapo agent in this one.


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