Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Call For Test Readers

     I have a (hopefully) happy announcement:

Statesman is complete in first draft.

     I need two test readers to proofread it and note any problems of timing, plot consistency, and plausibility. For maximum reading pleasure and best proofing results, those test readers should have read the previous Onteora Canon / Realm of Essences novels.

     Any takers?

     UPDATE @3:35 PM: I now have four willing test readers, which should be adequate. Thank you, ladies and gentlemen, including all those who were about to volunteer but hadn't yet "pulled the trigger." I appreciate your generosity.


  1. If you haven't yet met your proofreader quota, I'd be pleased and honored to be selected as one. My e-mail address is cololdenburg [it's the name of a character from a Traveller SFRPG campaign] AThotmailDOTcom.

  2. As a retired little old lady in rural NH who always wanted to teach literature but ending up a commercial contract negotiation, I'd be delighted to try my hand.

  3. Anonymous: As I said in the post, if you haven't read:
    -- Chosen One
    -- On Broken Wings
    -- Shadow of a Sword
    -- Polymath

    ...you're likely to find it confusing, and possibly frustrating. However, if you'll favor me with an email address, I'll put you on the list. And thank you for volunteering.

  4. What a bad day to be late!

    Best of luck with "Statesman," Fran!

  5. Of course, I would love to do it, and maybe I could qualify next month, since I just kindilized those four novels... looking forward to getting into them. I'm still looking for an artist to do about two dozen sketches for my Lud sonnets (185 of them.) When do you expect to have that new piece of work for me to buy?

  6. Just tell me when I can give you my money ;)


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