Thursday, July 13, 2017

Day Off

     Sorry, Gentle Readers. I can’t write today.

     Rufus has been diagnosed with large-cell lymphoma. Without chemotherapy, he has 60 to 90 days to live. With it? No one will say.

     I'm getting tired of outliving the people, animals, and things I love.


  1. Been where you are too many times :-(. Increasing "familiarity" with it does not mean it gets any easier. Prayers for you and Rufus...

  2. Also BTDT... my condolences & prayer.

  3. I'm so sorry, Fran. Poor Rufus.

  4. So Sorry. Lost our 13 yo American Bulldog on March 3. Still feeling it.

  5. Well, that stinks. He looks like a wonderful dog. Hoping for the best, sir.

  6. I'm so sorry, Fran. I know what it's like to lose four-legged friends like that. May Rufus enjoy whatever time he has left, and may you enjoy whatever time you have left with him.

  7. That's terrible news... As one who humbly sits at your digital feet daily cherishing your wisdom and generosity, I wish there was some way I could help. You and Rufus are in my prayers.

  8. Cherish each day with your friends, both human and better. For we know not the day when it shall end.

  9. So very sorry; feeling like you will outlive everything is the price of caring.

  10. My heart goes out to you Francis-I have laid with many of my dogs over the years as they have taken their last breath. The joy and smiles and unbridled love they rain down on you...almost makes up for the pain of their departure. I believe in the Rainbow Bridge as firmly as I know there is a God in Heaven.

  11. Take care of your friend Rufus as best you can. I hope you can try chemo and that it will help him without making him sick.Best wishes and prayers for both of you.

  12. Dog is another way of looking at God.
    On this plane, it is We who look after Dog.
    In doing so, the circle remains unbroken.


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