Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Farewell And Godspeed

     Rufus, our eight year old Newfoundland, passed away at 11:25 this morning. He’d been suffering from B-cell lymphoma and a compromised spinal cord. We’d had him on three different kinds of chemotherapy, and the cancer had developed an immunity to all three. He’d become indifferent to food and extremely lethargic. Despite multiple painkillers, he was almost unable to walk. We did what was necessary.

     Goodbye, beloved friend. May God clasp you to His bosom, where you’ve always belonged.

     Don’t expect much from me for a few days.


  1. My heart pains along with yours. I know all too well, the feeling.

  2. Rufus was fortunate to have you as his "owner", as you were fortunate to have him as yours. Our condolences.

  3. My most sincere and heart felt condolences.

  4. Grieving with you, Friend..
    You probably know who wrote this, and I have to para-phrase.
    The reason a dogs lifespan is only 10 or so years is because if they lived longer we simply could not bear losing them..

  5. Sorry to hear of your loss. You and Rufus will be in my thoughts.

  6. I am sorry for your loss Francis. It's the hardest part of being loved by and loving in return, a creature that usually has less time than we do.

  7. Oh, no. I am so sorry to hear of your loss.
    Those 4 legged critters get down deep in our hearts, don't they? And then a great big hole is there when they leave us.
    I know the heart ache you're feeling and will be praying for you and your family.

  8. Condolences to you and the family, Fran.
    I know your pain.

  9. My most sincere condolences. You will be together again, one day.

  10. I know how it goes, sir. My condolences.

  11. Sorry to read of your loss, Fran. I dread having to face such a loss in a few years.

  12. Dear Fran,
    My sincere condolences. I recall when you went through the same heartache with your first Newfie. I have been there many times myself.

    Linda P.
    Bronx, NY
    (shelter worker)

  13. You have my sympathies, Fran, and know that Rufus is certainly destined for the Happy Hunting Grounds, there to enjoy a well-deserved rest.

  14. Sorry to hear of it. I remember reading about it when you first got him as a puppy.

    God makes the lives of dogs so short to remind us the true value of life.


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