Wednesday, November 7, 2018

The Morning After

Like many "mornings after", this one contains some 'what the hell happened?'.

First - the positive - not only did we keep the Senate, we did so with candidates that were solidly Right. We got rid of a few squishes - like Flake.

On the House side, we're no longer the majority, so - it looks like the Vampiress Pelosi is back.

Although, from their distancing of themselves during the election, many of them are NOT happy with that.  Dan McCready, candidate for the 9th Congressional District, was very open about NOT supporting Pelosi for Speaker.

He lost, anyway, in a squeaker. He hasn't conceded, and in a recount, who knows what skulduggery could unearth votes from the crypt?

That, BTW, is one of the main positives from this race - we won (corrected) some critical ones - Mark Harris in District 9, DeSantis in FL, Blackburn in TN, Crenshaw in TX (maybe this will get them to tone down their over-the-top crazies).

And, of course, some of our greatest successes:

  • Keith Ellison, MN
  • Ocasio-Cortez, NY
  • Pelosi, CA
What? You think those were LOSSES?

Oh, please! Those jackasses will not only be an endless source of gaffes, Tweets, and memes, they are likely to drive the Dems even further to the Left - and you saw how much that helped them in this election.

Probably the most striking success is that we have weeded out most of the most horrific RINOS in the Senate. Although some of those seats have gone to Dems, there is something to be said for your enemy being openly against you, rather than next to you, stabbing you in the back.


  1. Well it appears you are also a silver lining kind of guy.

    A lot of worthless dead wood retired from the House like the POS Ryan so that's good. But there's just not enough of a silver lining losing the House for me to giddy up.

    I'm with you on the spectacle the dems are sure to make of themselves but we're going to have front rows seats to watch how a party uses power. One man's spectacle is anothers comeuppance.

  2. I am of a different opinion on some things.

    Yes, we kept the Senate and ditched RINO squishes. And that's important, especially judicially. BUT...

    Every investigation into the whole weaponization of the FBI, IRS, etc. ceases. Instantly. They'll have two years to bleach-bit evidence.

    I'm also afraid that you're overestimating the American public. If the Kavanaugh screeching didn't convince a lot of people, nothing will.

  3. Hey, it's politics. You definitely don't get everything you want.

    But, don't give up. We have to think like long-term strategists - dig into every crack. Work on getting the next generation. When you lose at the national level, build the local level. Entrench. Plant the seeds.

    I'm not much of a "OMZ, the world is coming to an end!!!!!!!" kinda girl.

    Lose today, Kick the SOBs asses next time.

  4. Unfortunately, this election confirms that a slim majority of Americans are socialists who will vote for openly socialist candidates and openly socialist policies. We continued our drift towards a kind of soft, Euro-style socialist dictatorship, and we will eventually get there.

    If the Democrats can keep the Midwest in 2020, Trump will be a one-term President. He had better make hay while he can.

  5. “...there is something to be said for your enemy being openly against you, rather than next to you, stabbing you in the back.”

    Indeed there is. A Republican who’s insincere about Republican policies will often undermine them, whether by accident or out of a conscious intention. In that sense, your insincere and half-hearted “allies” can turn out to do you more damage than your overt opponents.

  6. "Although, from their distancing of themselves during the election, many of them are NOT happy with that. Dan McCready, candidate for the 9th Congressional District, was very open about NOT supporting Pelosi for Speaker."

    Sure, sure. Let's see what the vote tally is when it's taken.

  7. @Rick C: He'll fall in line when he's told "Nice seat you have... be a shame if someone primaried you." Or something like that.


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