Sunday, February 3, 2019

A Present To A Despairing Writer

     As Experiences is a sequel to another novel that didn’t sell well, I knew that reviews would be hard to come by. Most reviewers are fair-minded – thank You, God – and won’t review a book whose prequel is, shall we say, “outside their experience.” (Cue the laugh track, Ed.) But look what I found under my Groundhog Day tree!

     A brilliant interweaving of storylines continues the complex issues raised in “Innocents.” Porretto’s ability to illuminate social issues with challenging sf hypotheses is the more impressive given that these books are relatively short and quite fast-paced, making them compelling reads. Many writers say less and take twice as many words to do it.

     That review is by Margaret Ball, a writer of considerable ability in her own right! I think I’ll just bask in this for a while...


  1. The only comment I could add that "a despairing writer" such as yourself might appreciate is, I feel such guilt (undoubtedly a consequence of a proper Catholic upbringing) at taking so little time to devour the gems you labor so excruciatingly long and with difficulty to produce. Seriously. I would imagine it is similar, if not identical to, the guilt one might feel at voraciously consuming a delectable meal consisting of the finest ingredients, procured at great expense, and prepared by a chef fully capable of maximizing the sensory experience to be had in the consuming of the prepared food.

    Sigh... Pearls before swine, as it were... At least this swine recognizes pearls when he sees them.

  2. I know, Bob. His books are so well constructed and such smooth reads that it's easy to gobble one down and then realize, "Wait, there was more here than just a story!"

  3. I owe you a review, sir. I haven't forgotten :).


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