Tuesday, February 26, 2019


And once again we find the poor old Cold Fury site down, victim of a deadly bouillabaise of negligence and perpetual penury on the part of its raggedy old proprieter. Which, y'know, would be me. Aside: yes, I not only know how to spell "bouillabaise," I know how to pronounce it and what it is, and have even eaten the stuff before. That may seem somewhat non-sequitur-ish now, but it will come into play in my next post.

Sorry about the inconvenience, everyone; I let the hosting service bills get behind again, along with all the other ones, the blame for which rests entirely on my own shoulders. Working on Making CF Great Again! now, but it will likely take me a couple of days yet. Meanwhile, Fran is kind enough to offer to let me hang my shabby shingle here for the nonce, as is Bill Quick—two good old friends I never yet met face to face but couldn't think more highly of nonetheless, and to whom I am grateful for a whole long list of things besides letting me stop by now and then to sully their own homebase when times get lean at my own little websty.

Thanks to all y'all who e-mailed wondering if I was in the hoosegow again sleeping one off, fleeing justice and the long arm of the law, or just what the hell. No worries, just the usual Casa Hendrix clusterfuck again. All will be put right shortly. Once things are fixed, there's a chance I may have a somewhat major announcement to make too, something I've been mulling for a while now. I'll let ya know.

Update! After looking into things a bit, particularly the URL of that "suspended account" page and where the link therein leads, I'm getting very suspicious that some Lefty idiot has hacked the site. I sent an email off to the folks at Hosting Matters; we should know soon enough.


  1. Interesting that I have known Bill for more than a decade but with whom I've never personally met and Frances with whom I've only recently become acquainted with.

    Three gents that I hope to eventually get around to meeting in person.

    (I met someone in person for the first time in 10 years we've been friends this past year so the chances seem to be improving!)

  2. Very possible. Last night I noted that legalinsurrection got hacked and pretty much everything there pointed to "loveislove" and "unicef".

  3. I saw that notice, and was quite concerned. However, I didn't know where to contact you. Do you have a Twitter account?

    Glad to hear that it is (probably) owner error, not Leftist action.

  4. Tracy, maybe you might want to work on a get-together this summer - virtual or real life, or some combination of both? I'll help, but I have too much on my plate to take full responsibility.

  5. People need to leave (or email me tracy dot coyle at gmail ) where they are located. I know Bill is and I'm in San Diego.

  6. An idea whose time is long past due, Linda! There's a fair few of us in NC, actually. Maybe if we all pile on, we could talk Porretto into a road trip...


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