Thursday, March 7, 2019

Pearls of expression.

Steny Hoyer said on Tuesday. "The sentiment is that it ought to be broad-based. What we're against is hate, prejudice, bigotry, white supremacy, Islamophobia, and anti-Semitism." And also men, white people, Republicans, straight people, western civilization, hydrocarbons, capitalism, airplanes, nuclear energy, the enlightenment, most Americans, all Russians, anybody religious (except Muslims), success, private enterprise, successful people, science, math, history, literature, biology, vaccinations, conservatives, automobiles, cigarettes and cigars unless composed of marijuana, fetuses, most music, America, the renaissance, self-reliance, anybody who lives west of the Delaware River or east of the Sierra Nevada Mountains, meat, sugar, salt, and life.
Comment by viator on “Democrat Motion To Condemn Anti-Semitism Delayed As Progressives Defend Omar.” By ZeroHedge, 3/6/19.


  1. HATE^2
    Get on the bandwagon, hate hate.

    When IQ falls...

  2. It's an impressive list. Did you ever see the movie "My Dinner with Andre"? Wally has dinner with his pal Andre whose life is one quest after another for some hippy dippy experience of dancing in the Czech forest by the moonlight and lying in a coffin surrounded by candles. (Spirit cooking, anyone?) Wally has simpler tastest and just enjoys the hell out of his morning coffee and a pizza with his lady. It's really a most enjoyable movie. Would that the Restless Outcasts from Life could settle down and enjoy what's to be enjoyed in life. Feeding the birds, petting the cat, watching the snow melt on the asphalt, watching animal rescue vids . . . .


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