Wednesday, June 19, 2019

WTF Department

     There’s ignorant, there’s seriously clueless, there’s terminally stupid, and then:

     The Border Patrol has already established that approximately 80% of supposed family members attempting to enter the U.S. at the southern border are not related to one another in any documented or otherwise detectable way. For my part, I would have no problem with separating those “families” even if one of their number could produce a green card. The operative concept here is trafficking. There’s a lot of it, it’s a criminal offense, and the border is exactly the right place to put a halt to it.

     Miss Omar is not a microcephalic idiot. She knows this. So we must look deeper for her motives in making so outrageously false and defamatory a claim. Surely there’s a logical reason a normally patriotic American Congresswoman would…

     But wait: what’s this? Ilhan Omar is a Muslim immigrant from Somalia? Then she very well could be an agent of civilizational jihad, couldn’t she? One of the folks who seek to suborn the Constitution by importing or otherwise producing a “replacement population” with no allegiance to American traditions and norms. Exactly how did such a person secure a seat in the House of Representatives?

     What’s that you say? Her constituency is overwhelmingly made up of Muslims and persons of African origin? Well, all stands explained, then. Except for the motives of American immigration authorities in allowing such a district to form in the first place, of course.

     The House of Representatives is currently under the control of the Traitor Quisling Democrat Party, so there’s little to no chance that Omar would be censured or otherwise disciplined for her lunacy. After all, the Democrat caucus also embraces such worthies as Rashida Tlaib, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and the truth-allergic Adam Schiff. So the only way to get Omar out of Congress is to vote her out…and given her constituency, that’s a longshot.

     In recent decades the Democrats have adopted a completely anti-American stance. They react to any policy that favors American traditions, norms, or interests just as a vampire would react to a crucifix. Get it away! The era when a John F. Kennedy would vie for the presidency on a platform of strengthened American defenses are long past. So the Omars, Tlaibs, et cetera in their ranks don’t disturb them at some ideological level. Only were those persons to become electoral impediments would the party reconsider allowing them to remain in its ranks, much less lending them its support.

     I sense the germ of an idea here. What if every Democrat who declares for the presidency were to face severe, unrelenting questioning about the statements and positions taken by Omar, Tlaib, and Ocasio-Cortez? Do you agree with these statements – yes or no? No other responses, no quibbling, qualifications, explanations, or exculpations shall be accepted!

     Remember: No one ever won a war by playing defense. Let’s get on the attack, early and often.


  1. "I sense the germ of an idea here. What if every Democrat who declares for the presidency were to face severe, unrelenting questioning about the statements and positions taken by Omar, Tlaib, and Ocasio-Cortez? Do you agree with these statements – yes or no? No other responses, no quibbling, qualifications, explanations, or exculpations shall be accepted!"

    Agreed. There are two flies in the ointment:

    1. The enemedia won't do it.
    2. The ANTIFA and related types at any public venue will shut that kind of questioning down.

    But yes - attack, attack, attack.

    Ideally, and if only the "stupid party" had a spine, they would run ads asking these very questions.

    Close the ads with "Why won't answer?"

  2. Talk is cheap, and wars of words are becoming irrelevant.

    You posited where this is headed a couple of posts later:

    "If the law is too mild, private vengeance comes in."

    Treasonous congressweasels won't be the last target, they'll be the opening wave.

    I'm certainly not advocating, just observing.
    It's where things will go.

    Back to JFK:
    "Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable."

    Since the election in 2016, the Democrats have refused to accept a peaceful revolution of who governs.

    The abyss of the alternative yawns open at their feet.

  3. @Aesop:

    Ever read "Unintended Consequences"?


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