Friday, June 7, 2019

You Might NOT Want to Give Them a Kiss

Kay Jewelers, that is, whose slogan, Every Kiss Begins with Kay, is a nationwide company.

Whose Statesville, NC, store just shot itself in the foot, when the staff forbid a local deputy, in uniform, from entering the store on his lunch hour to make a purchase for his wife.

His crime? Wearing the gun that he was required to while in uniform.

DO let the Kay people know just how much you hate the action of their store personnel, won't you? The Kay Contact page is here - and, at the moment, the Chat queues are full (might that be with "Deplorables" expressing their concern about this corporate action?).


  1. Corporate fire the manager and apologised to the Deputy and Sheriff's office.

  2. Any idea of why the person on the right is cut and bloody? The other person (possibly - hopefully - a girl) has a bloody hand. I don't watch TV, so perhaps this is a scene from a well known movie, or TV series, but I have no knowledge of why this company would use such a photo to advertise their business.


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