Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Put This on the Impeachment Hearing Table

In fact, I'll go this one better - feel free to use this meme, shown below - Link Here for the active Meme (has clickable hyperlink).

If you do access the meme, and click on the link, send the 'Roos to the GOP members of the Committee. Don't want them to get buried, along with the pertinent evidence against the Deep State.

I just sent mine to Devin Nunes - his address is

1013 Longworth HOB
Washington,  DC 20515

Let's give him something to decorate the 'Investigation Table' with, shall we?


  1. Please forgive the self-reference, Francis, but I did give you a massive HT on this. I was inspired by your post...


    I've already sent a kangaroo image to San Fran Nan and my own Congresscritter (who is playing it VERY coy; my guess he's waiting to see if he has permission to vote NO so he can attempt to fool the rubes).

    And longer-term, I've ordered five plush toy kangaroos.

    One for President Trump to bring in if he's called to testify. Two for my Senators ("D" alas, but put them on notice), one for San Fran Nan, and one TBD.

  2. Can you imagine if it does go to the Senate, and Trump brings a plush-toy kangaroo in and puts it on the podium? And if anyone questions it, "This is my emotional support plush"!

  3. An early-morning followup.

    1. It would point out Trump's true contempt for the whole thing without saying a word.

    2. Everyone would be talking about it (whether praising or damning).

    3. It would mock the Demo mercilessly, hopefully causing them to make glaring mistakes in their ire.

    4. It would mock the whole "emotional support animal" culture - a phenomenon of the Left.

  4. FYI Linda I saw your comment, and fixed my post.


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