Monday, August 24, 2020

USA Today's Article on Safety in Parking Garages

 The article mostly focuses on employee parking garages, the ones found in hospital settings. Many of them are at a greater distance from work than the visitor garages (which can be poorly lit and scary enough).

Poorly lit facilities cause the most problems. I do understand why the hospitals might not want to spend the money to light up a place that is empty most of the time. However, it wouldn't take much to put the lights on a timer, or a motion sensor that would light up nearby areas very brightly. That, alone, would do a lot to make the structure safer.

There is a standard for lighting, which, in many parking garages, is not being met throughout the building. Dark corners where criminals can lurk are a common feature. The OSHA inspectors seldom check.

Other problems include lack of restrictions on access, poor security monitoring, and broken or missing cameras. All of those have been linked to attacks.

It's a long, but informative and fascinating article. After you read it, take a look into the situation of your local hospital, and see if it measures up to a high level of preparation.


  1. If they carry guns for self-protection, at least here in OR, they're breaking the law as soon as they step out of the car onto the hospital parking lot, let alone once they enter the hospital.
    IMO, any institution, or individual for that matter, who threatens legal action on someone who carries a weapon for self defense takes on an obligation to protect that person.

  2. I completely agree. Any business, public or private, that mandates that those in the building may NOT be armed has a responsibility to protect them.
    Good case to take to court. Preferably AFTER RBG goes toes-up.

  3. I remember a community meeting I attended in a local hospital conference room. After it was done, one lady asked me to walk her to her car. I didn't say anything, but I thought to myself, "This woman goes up to a complete stranger and asks him to protect her? What is wrong with her? Why doesn't she just carry a gun?"

    "If they carry guns for self-protection, at least here in OR, they're breaking the law as soon as they step out of the car..."

    I don't think so. Oregon has one of the better concealed carry laws, with exceptions only for courthouses. But even if there is some new restriction, what is wrong with people? Break the fucking law! If you follow the law and get yourself killed, is your spouse going to say, "At least he remained within the law?" We indeed have a Nation of Cowards.

  4. Paul Bonneau, I checked the Oregon statute website and asked on a list of 2A supporters, and you are indeed correct that the law says nothing about carrying in a health care institution or on institution grounds. It is pretty common for institutions to post signs forbidding it, and I had gotten confused about the distinction.
    And what psychic bolt made you think that I don't "break the fucking law"? You don't know me from Adam. There's a difference between pointing out issues with carrying on health care institution grounds and me assuring everyone I cravenly stay within legal standards drawn by hoplophobes. Don't call me a coward. Kiss my ass.


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