Thursday, October 29, 2020

A Prophetic Novel

 I've been re-reading Kurt Schlichter's The People's Republic. I'm about 20% of the way through it, and I'm struck by how eerily familiar it seems:

  • Microaggressions used to cow opponents
  • Climate 'change' used to justify a meager existence
  • Hatred of actual military, but deification of People's Militias (which operate much like AntiFa - thuggish and brutal to the common man)
  • Privileges for the Elite - who are - mostly - White (with one of the main characters inventing an Hispanic heritage for Privilege Benefit)
  • Crazy behavior - not logical, just acting out - from many of the Oppressed (many of them truly oppressed by the repressive People's Republic)
  • Walls and Luxury for the Elite; slums and rationing for the People
What got me thinking about this was a description of a riot - random violence and looting, thugs taking advantage of the chaos, and police forces that do not hesitate to impose order by force - a LOT of force.

Now, I'm generally not inclined to complain about cops; most of those I've known are reasonable, patient, and not inclined to shoot without a reason.

We need to institute the concept of liability insurance for cops. Make them responsible for carrying a standard level of insurance; the cities that employ them may pick up the cost (or part) of a base policy, at a standard premium. If that cop has incidents, that will likely drive up the cost; multiple incidents will add to that cost, until it reaches a level that is not sustainable. DO NOT let the cities pick up the cost of increased premiums; that takes away the responsibility of the cop to act reasonably.

The cities might even pick up the extra cost for those cops working in particularly rough districts. But, generally, it should be on the cop to act in the least forceful manner that gets the job done. The insurance will have limits - as long as a standard base level is carried, the complaining party cannot ask for more money. The city is not responsible for any part of the judgement, unless a policy decision of that level of government was the reaon for it. If supervisors had ignored signs that the cop was trouble, they are the ones who could be sued (and, for which, they will carry their own liability insurance).


  1. That is a great idea!

    Like you, I am an insurance agent. And in order to contract with most insurance companies, I am required to carry Errors & Omissions insurance. (For the layperson, E&O is a special kind of malpractice insurance for insurance and financial advisors.) It is just a cost of doing business. I am sure you are quite familiar with it, Linda.

    So why not a unique kind of Errors & Omissions policy for cops? For problem cops, the premiums would get higher and higher, same as how your rate goes way up if you are a problem driver. At some point, if a particular cop has too many claims, he becomes uninsurable, and thus unemployable. The problem becomes self-correcting.

  2. I've read all four of Kurt Schlichter's novels, and I'm eagerly awaiting the fifth one.

  3. I wonder what Justine Damond would have to say about this. Were she still alive...


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