Sunday, October 4, 2020

An Appalling Announcement

     As hardened as I’ve become after so many years of writing about politics and current events, even so I found this news utterly outrageous:

     Officials for the City of Cleveland said 11 cases of the Wuhan coronavirus could be traced back to the Sept. 29 presidential debate. The cases were a result of debate pre-planning and set-up, with the majority of cases impacting out-of-state travelers, particularly debate organizers and members of the media. The news comes after President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump tested positive for the virus. Out of an abundance of caution, the president was transported to Walter Reed National Military Medical Center on Friday.

     It gets worse, Gentle Reader. All the cases reported to have stemmed from the Cleveland debate were Republicans:

     So far, the following administration officials, Democrats and Republicans have tested positive for the virus.
  • President Trump
  • First lady Melania Trump
  • Senior White House adviser Hope Hicks
  • Trump campaign manager Bill Stepien
  • Republican National Committee Chair Ronna McDaniel
  • Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah.
  • Sen. Thom Tillis, R-N.C.
  • Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis.
  • Former adviser Kellyanne Conway
  • Former N.J. Gov. Chris Christie

     Joe Hoft at Gateway Pundit comments thus:

     Hmmm – It is interesting that only Republicans, including the President, contracted the disease.

     This compels us to ask the mandatory next question:

Was the COVID-19 virus deliberately spread to persons in the Republican contingent at the debate?
     “If you roll a seven once, that’s an accident. When you roll a seven eight hundred times in a row, somebody has loaded the dice.” – Robert A. Heinlein


  1. The time line is very suspicious. I am convinced now that this is an assassination attempt. The President and those in his party were inoculated with a massive dose that bypassed the viral replication stage and went right to illness. The time line is thus: On Monday not sick. All must have been screened prior to the event. On Tuesday he went to Duluth. On Wednesday or Thursday first indications of virus but the President thinks it was an incidental exposure and he can quarantine at the White House. On Friday he has serious corona virus illness. Too late for HCQ and zinc treatment. Why did these people who undergo constant screening progress so quickly to illness when the entire country is practically virus free? The demonrats unveiled their 'October Surprise' right on schedule.

  2. It was not spread to them. They were inoculated.

  3. I was trying VERY hard not to go there. But, yeah, it does look like deliberate action.


  4. Anyone there familiar with homo/pedophile activist Dan Savage? He volunteered at Presidential candidate Gary Bauer's campaign HQ, intentionally got the strain of flu going around in the summer of 2000, and then after hours licked every single doorknob in the offices there, trying to infect Bauer and his senior staff. As Gary Bauer was an outspoken Christian and anti homosexual rights (one could say that in public and not get one's home burned down or arrested for hate crimes) and Savage wanted to "fix him." Of course Savage was never charged.

    I know of this because I read what Savage posted and even heard a clip of him bragging about it on a talk show after the Republican convention of 2000.

    The info you provided is quite plausible. And disturbing. Please pray for the President, the First Lady and Mr Trump's staff for a full and speedy recovery.

  5. Linda, it appears most people don't want to go 'there.' The Cleveland venue released a report (on Townhall) that the President's party got the bug there. Have you heard of an out-control outbreak in Cleveland? How did all these officials get such a large dose that they got sick within a few days. Incidental contact with the bug would presumably take longer to reveal itself I can't imagine they broke the pre-screening procedures. Yet there was a super-spreader. Could not have been a frequently screened person in the presidential party. Tainted food or drink? An aerosol misting of a gathering room? I hope the secret service and Attorney General do not sweep this question under the rug like all the other criminality to date.

  6. Oh, lets see.

    Viral biology attack.... check.
    Train wreck.... check.
    Base ball shooting..... check.
    Las Vegas shooting.... check.

  7. Given the evidence coming out that Floyd was "dead man walking" with lethal levels of Fentanyl, etc., in his system, watch for the "D" leaning DA to DROP ALL CHARGES. On November 1. Within minutes the enemedia will be running it non-stop with all the race baiters stating in clear-to-anyone-with-three-brain-cells unison that "The system is rigged, whitey's coming for you"!


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