Thursday, October 15, 2020

Diversifying My Output - Appears Ready

 I've been toying with the idea of podcasting for some time. Many people listen in while exercising (some while driving, but many of us are doing less of that now). So, I bit the bullet, and used a discount to purchase the Yeti Snowball microphone. It's specifically designed for the Podcaster on the Go. My life is likely to involve more movement outside of the house, and I thought I could make use of occasional dead time, waiting for my next appointment.

You can find the first two podcasts here - feel free to give me feedback. I'm eager to improve, and I don't think of myself as polished in this format. I'm going to be doing more podcasting, and perhaps, eventually, making videos, as I'm putting together a course that could utilize those formats (Blogging Your Life Story).

Update: For some reason, the podcast doesn't show up yet. I'll check back later today.

OK, I had to submit it for approval. I'll be working on the mechanics of this, and update when it's completely ready for download.

4 pm - I've tweaked the podcast, and it appears ready to access. The link above seems to work - comment if you have problems. Thanks.


  1. Submit for approval? Is this company related to twitter or Facebook in any way?

  2. No, I just think they do a check to make sure that the content isn't in the wrong category (mine is safe for 14 and up), or copyrighted material belonging to someone else.

  3. Nice job, Linda. Lucid and insightful.


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