Sunday, November 15, 2020

A Person I've Never Read Before

 Lew Rockwell. Here's what he has to say about Masking, and how it leads to your eventual failure to be free.

I'm more of an instinctive rebel, than one who can provide you with logical and rational foundations for my position. I was raised by a guy from WV, who imbibed the moonshine of freedom at an early age. He was, as were many in that region, a natural rebel against authority. His experiences with regimentation in the Army during WWII, and, later, working for AT&T for 30 years, soured him on the concept of benevolent overlords.

West Virginians, like many hill people, are natural rebels. They have an almost genetic predisposition towards contrary thought and action. They resist being ruled from afar (although they can cooperate with nearby leaders, they mistrust and resist centralized rule).

That's not unique to them - in every nation, the hill people are those that will fight to the death against the heavy hand of distant government. A sensible leadership would allow them some freedom, in return for peace, but that's just not gonna happen with those who HAVE to have EVERYONE compliant.

The kind of Ruler that HRC would have been. The kind that Obama was. Not accepting of dissent. Determined to break any opposition.

Masking is a signal. Not wearing a mask identifies you as a rebel, a visual signal that allows those in control of the force mechanisms to cut you from the pack, and grind you down.

Some have tried MAGA or other styles of mask that mark them as part of that resistance. It's just made them a target for public attack.

We need to use subtler signals - wearing both an ordinary mask, and also a red shirt/scarf? A tiny symbol marked in a specific place on the mask? A reversible mask, that can be flipped should enforcement approach?

This is something that the younger people would enjoy; a chance to signal FU at an overbearing authority. A way to note nearby allies, without a word being spoken. An organizing tool.

It's time to start underground organizing, based on the principal of self-contained cells, with limited connections to others. Each cell can work on self-education, local actions, and keeping an eye on the Quislings that would destroy our lovely country.

Y'all might want to re-read The Moon is a Harsh Mistress to get familiar with the type of actions/organizing principles. Not only is it a good introduction to rebellion against a harsh regime, but it's a lot of fun.

Put your own suggestions in the comments on ways to signal/organize.


  1. Masking is a signal. Not wearing a mask identifies you as a rebel, a visual signal that allows those in control of the force mechanisms to cut you from the pack, and grind you down.

    darn few of us rebels.

  2. @Ed. Just like a yellow star, or a pink triangle.

    There are now sign-in sheets in restaurants near me. Name, phone number, time in, time out. Contact tracing.

    So... "Charles U. Farley" is one common name I've used. "Terrence Dactyl" is another. And a fake phone number.

  3. Follow up. I use the obvious ones at restaurants where I've already spoken with the owners and they are on the same page. One such, a vintage 50's diner, the owner is ripsh*t about all this. Despite knowing who I really am, he's looked at my sign in and smiled.


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