Saturday, November 28, 2020

It's Time to Do Something REALLY Pointless and Stupid!

Have we learned nothing from Animal House?

Did we not watch them walk out, rather than listen to Dean Wormer disrespect America (from 2:00 on the video)?

I suggest that we plan on a response for the inauguration, should Biden (Pi$$ be Upon Him) be installed in January.

What the Hell! If Biden gets in, America is OVER.

Why the hell not plan on a stupid, probably futile, and absolutely all-out gesture that will be replayed on phones until the end of time?

What do we have to lose?

A country?

If Biden is sworn in, we've already lost that.

There are probably more than a million Good Ol' Boys, Shitkicker Women, Rednecks and Hillbillies, not to mention the younger guys who never did have a chance.

If they can't come up with some non-lethal, showy, and designed-to-make-the-Left-look-asinine stunts, I don't know who can.


  1. Linda, my first big upvote for you! :)

    This is exactly right. If America has gotten stupid enough to elect a Dean Wormer via vote fraud, it deserves an Animal House response.

    We may all get our asses blown off by nuclear weapons from Pakistan, North Korea or Iran because the idiot dems never saw a can they didn't want to kick down the road, but we may as well laugh on the way. It's for damn sure that unity and social justice won't result in anything better than lunacy or radiation.

  2. Somethings are worth fighting for aren’t they? Somethings are worth dying for aren’t they?
    If something is worth dying for then isn’t it worth killing for? The loss of our country. The loss of our freedom. The loss of everything we hold dear. That’s something isn’t it?

  3. RM: You have made an extremely dangerous comment. I've allowed it specifically to rebuke it, as I will allow no other comments of that sort to appear after this.

    Your opinions are your own affair, but comments that suggest or promote violence will not be permitted on this site.

  4. Hi Francis, Please strike it if you feel it inappropriate. I do not want to abuse your hospitality. I feel that the questions were legitimate ones given the times we find ourselves in.

  5. They didn't call us Deplorables (or dregs of society (shows you the level of Gropin' Joe's imagination)) for nothing.

    This is what God made Trump for and what Trump made us for.

    They'll try to do it to us. Let's shove it up their ass.

  6. Mr. Porretto,

    How to highlight an agreement.

    RM's comments
    "Somethings are worth fighting for aren’t they? Somethings are worth dying for aren’t they?
    If something is worth dying for then isn’t it worth killing for? The loss of our country. The loss of our freedom. The loss of everything we hold dear. That’s something isn’t it?"

    What better way to show tacit approval than to point a finger at it.

  7. I don't expect this comment to be allowed, but the questions must be answered.

    Are there not people and ideas for whom you would die?
    Is not the converse then also true?
    Have not those on the "Left" wantonly murdered and attempted to murder those with whom they disagree?
    Must we wait for the bullet to enter our bodies to respond?
    Governments are destroying the lives of many under the guise of protecting our health.
    Is that not a contradiction?
    Is that not a tyranny much worse than what the founding fathers overcame.
    When a foe tells you his intentions, should you not believe him?
    Joe Biden told us of the coming fraudulent elections.
    AOC and many others told us that we are being targeted.
    When are we allowed to respond?
    "Allowed". By whom?


Comments are moderated. I am entirely arbitrary about what I allow to appear here. Toss me a bomb and I might just toss it back with interest. You have been warned.

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