Monday, January 25, 2021

The Cone of Silence Descends on America

Not just Trump is being silenced - so are a whole lot of other NLDs (Non-Leftist Dissidents).

Guys, this is bad, and getting badder. I don't see a lot of those so-called defenders of Human and Civil Rights standing up for us. They don't seem to see a problem with declaring a whole group of people to be not deserving of participation in American life.

We need to basically do the equivalent of Slapping the Deniers, full in the face, to get them out of their paralysis of inaction that could cost the rest of us our very existence.

OK, so no 'Impenetrable Barrier" - then, governors should give sheriffs the authority to deputize volunteers and send them to the border - with weapons - to hold the line. Make the border states NON-SANCTUARY STATES.

The individual states need to step up, and act in ways that limit the power of the Federal government. They have the superior right; they need to man up.

And, found on Peace or Freedom (picture is archived here to reduce the load on his site).


  1. The county Sheriffs have more powers than a state governor.

  2. And those Sheriffs won't do jack shit or they already would have. More hopium is all this is.

  3. Well Hedge, as far as Texas goes, you don't know what you're talking about. The Sheriff's dept. is the front line. You could google it.

  4. I'm in SC. For the most part, the Sheriffs do treat the county like it was historically done - as the 'shire-reif' - they are 'the king' (his representative) in the shire. Their word is the last one.
    You get some that are lazy or corrupt - but, for the most part, they do a decent job. It helps that those positions are elected - they either perform as they should, or they will be out in the next election.

  5. The Declaration is just that, a declaration, a statement, an announcement. It is no more a law than Catch 22 is. It was written by something like seven guys, was it? It's an interesting historical document but the Supremacy Clause of the Constitution lays out what the supreme law of the land consists of.

  6. The creator dies not take direction from the created...


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