Friday, January 8, 2021

They Are Showing Their Weakness

Deplatforming the President?

Depriving him of ability to conduct business?

Imposing even MORE controls on acceptable content of video?

Just how frightened does The White Male Power Structure have to be of independent-minded citizens to come down this hard on dissent?

(I hope you appreciate that swipe at 'Wokeness' in the previous sentence)

Let me state this plainly:

  • Trump met with his supporters at a LAWFUL protest.
  • He urged them to continue protesting, using their Constitutional Rights.
  • They appeared outside of Congress, the same as MANY other citizens have.
  • They were largely peaceful and law-abiding.
  • When a few of the group surged towards the Capitol, most did not.
  • When that group reached the doors, they were LET IN BY THE POLICE. They did NOT break down the doors.

  • You know what I haven't seen? Massive vandalism, shown by staff cleaning up the mess. There is ONE picture I've found, of a guy putting items in the trash. You look, and decide whether this is destruction, or just a person bagging possessions (possibly taken from the protesters).

  • When ONE MAN, so far unidentified in public, although apparently the same man as the one pictured below, sat in the House seat normally occupied by Nancy Pelosi (Oh, the HORROR! She'll need to have it fumigated.)

    • You know what I'm NOT seeing in that picture? Vandalism. It's ONE guy posing, others taking pictures.
  • There are also several pictures of one protester in what appears to be a Congressional office, with his feet on the desk.

  • The woman who was shot was SAID to have been climbing through a window. If you look at the window, there is no way that she could be climbing through (it's got small diamond-shaped panes). Now, I can't be sure, but these look to be traditional Tudor-style panes, which are metal strips, held together with solder. Those would be VERY sturdy, and not something you could just climb through.

    • So, apparently, the story of an attacking woman, who HAD to be stopped with a bullet, is bogus. Yes, she HAD to be shot. Because, without a death, they couldn't blow this up into a life-threatening attack on a sitting Congress.
    • There are 3 other deaths being attributed to this protest. They have given no names, nor explained any connection. So, until I hear a FULL explanation of the event, I'm also gonna call this bogus.
But, that protest is being called a riot. By the same folks who have been calling riots "peaceful protests".


  1. Linda: My understanding is that two people were shot. Ashli Babbitt, reportedly shot in the neck with a suppressed M4, died as a result. I heard on Wednesday that another person was shot in the chest, but have heard nothing subsequently about who that person was or what their status was. Epoch Times is reporting that 3 people died of "Medical issues' related to this protest, but I have heard nothing more about it.

  2. The various videos are clear that Ashli Babbit was not trying to climb through the House Chamber windows, but rather the windows in the entranceway to the "Speaker's Lobby", a lounging corridor just outside the House.

    See (warning, contains the actual shooting at the end). You'll see that at 35:34 the crowd is pushed up against doors with leaded-glass windows like in your photo, but then turn away and flow down to the Speaker's Lobby entrance at 37:28, and then Ashli is shot at 39.11.

    She wasn't "attacking" anything so their justifications are BS and it was clearly not a justified shooting. But it really did happen. Also I haven't seen any followup photos of damage to the leaded glass windows at the House Chamber doors, so I'm pretty sure that once all the senators and congressmen were evacuated they just abandoned the barricade and Bison Hat Guy just walked right in.

  3. Ashli was shot from ambush without provocation. A uniformed cop came from her left as she was trying to climb through a window (Not the one you show) and shot her in the neck with no warning, and no threat to him, or anyone who may have been in the offices down the hall.

  4. On one of the videos of Ashlies murder the shooter, inba dark suit with a black mask, steps out of an (office?) doorway to her left, aims his pistol, and fires.
    The other offices on the shooters side of the doorway all seem to have gunmen in them, but the uniforms with the M-16s were behind Ashli in her hallway, and do mot appear to have fired, as none of the protestors near them react to them.

  5. On one of the videos of Ashlies murder the shooter, inba dark suit with a black mask, steps out of an (office?) doorway to her left, aims his pistol, and fires.
    The other offices on the shooters side of the doorway all seem to have gunmen in them, but the uniforms with the M-16s were behind Ashli in her hallway, and do mot appear to have fired, as none of the protestors near them react to them.

  6. Thank you for the corrections; I was misled by the photos of the armed guards at the paned windows. Only yesterday did I finally see a video of the Ashli shooting, which is as described by commenters here.
    Still not a valid reason to kill a woman, but, apparently, the guard panicked.
    The other deaths that are being added to the charges against the protesters, are NOT Caused-by deaths at all. A heart attack, a stroke/other brain accident, a 'possible' crushing (more likely caused by the woman's extreme weight issues), and a 'maybe' assault on a police person. I say maybe, because it, like the others, is rumored, and in no way verified.


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