Sunday, January 17, 2016

The Science Guys (Part II)

Last week, we talked about none other than Bill Nye, “The Science Guy.”  Not to be confused the other two Bills that have also been in the news a lot lately, i.e., Bill (Cosby and Clinton), “The Sexual Assaulters from the Past Guys.”

There’s something Nye said, that got stuck in my craw, in such a way that it triggered my evolutionary “fight or write response.”  Since fighting’s illegal, and I don’t have enough frequent flyer miles for flight, write I must.   Perhaps, if I were further evolved (like Mr. Nye) I wouldn’t have this troublesome craw.  Alternatively, if Mr. Nye wasn’t so arrogantly intolerant, my evolutionary requirement for a craw could be eliminated. So what’d he say this time? 

According to the Huffington Post…”The biggest danger creationism plays is that it is raising a generation of children who ‘can't think’ and who ‘will not be able to participate in the future in the same way’ as those who are taught evolution.”  Let me make sure I get this straight – if a kid believes he is created by God he will not be able to participate in the future in same way as a kid who is taught that he evolved from a monkey? 

Let’s test Mr. Nye’s theory on the influence of Creationism (vice evolution) upon “thinking” and “participating” using an empirical example.  Sample A,George Washington Carver, (c.1865-January 5, 1943), “an African American chemist of international fame who introduced and popularized hundreds of uses for the peanut, soybean, pecan and sweet potato, which revolutionized the economy of the South by creating a market for these products.” 

It seems that Mr. Carver found inspiration and insights, not by denying God, but by seeking God.  Here is what he told the director of the Blue Ridge YMCA in 1920:

Years ago I went into my laboratory and said, "Dear Mr. Creator, please tell me what the universe was made for?"
The Great Creator answered, "You want to know too much for that little mind of yours.  Ask for something more your size, little man."
Then I asked, "Please, Mr. Creator, tell me what man was made for."
Again, the Great Creator replied, "You are still asking too much.  Cut down on the extent and improve the intent."
So then I asked, "Please, Mr. Creator, will you tell me why the peanut was made?"
"That's better, but even then it's infinite.  What do you want to know about the peanut?"
"Mr. Creator, can I make milk out of the peanut?"
"What kind of milk do you want?  Good Jersey milk or just plain boarding house milk?"
"Good Jersey milk."
And then the Great Creator taught me to take the peanut apart and put it together again.  And out of the process have come forth all these products!”

What humility the distinguished Mr. Carver demonstrates for us today.  How much more does the Great Creator demonstrate wisdom and love in the works of His creation.  Oh how He must grieve when men, mortal men, those whom He created, choose to deny Him the glory and praise He deserves!

The humble, ingenious, and industrious Mr. Carver also provides us insight into how he looked upon scoffers and critics like Mr. Nye:

“My attitude toward life was also my attitude toward science.  Jesus said one must be born again, must become as a little child.  He must let no laziness, no fear, no stubbornness keep him from his duty.  If he were born again he would see life from such a plane he would have the energy not to be impeded in his duty by these various sidetrackers and inhibitions…Why, then, should we who believe in Christ be so surprised at what God can do with a willing man in a laboratory?  Some things must be baffling to the critic who has never been born again.” 

Maybe, the thing Mr. Nye should really fear is the danger evolution plays in raising a generation of children who "can't think" and who "will not be able to participate in the future in the same way" as those who are taught to know and fear the Lord.

Perhaps Mr. Nye could be helped by the thoughts of Sir Isaac Newton, widely regarded to have been the greatest scientist the world has ever produced, “God created everything by number, weight and measure…In the absence of any other proof, the thumb alone would convince me of God’s existence.”

Carver and Newton might just give a thumbs down to the science guy.


  1. Wow. That was Teh Awesome.

  2. The Colonel of Truth presents A Kernel of Truth. Sounds good to Newton and me -- two thumbs up!javascript:void(0)

  3. It was my scientific training that gave rise to my belief in God.
    How do you explain that, Mr. Nye?

  4. I often think of the Einstein's special theory of relativity when I read/hear guys like Nye. If you recall,


    This is an equivalence relation that nominally (as a 2x4 is really 1.5x3.5) describes the relationship between energy and mass. Solving for mass...


    or mass is equivalent to energy divided by the square of the speed of light.

    Think about it. How much energy does it take to create the total mass of the universe? Foolish men like Nye will never explain this. That Dyson character is another one. There can only be one explanation - God's will made this. It is so obvious.

    As Francis remarked the other day, God shall not be mocked:

    Galations 6:7 Do not be misled: God is not one to be mocked. For whatever a person is sowing, this he will also reap;

  5. It makes not one whit of difference to science or technology whether life was created or spawned in a warm pool. The mason does not care whether the stone grew on a bush or came from a quarry.

    It does, however, profoundly affect the nature of man qua man. If man is the product of uncaring physical processes then his destiny is in his genes. It is the solemn duty of the enlightened to guide the poorly endowed wretch through his proper role in society and to ensure his goodthink.

    On the other hand (thank God we have two) a unique immortal soul, blessed with free will, is unbound.


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