Monday, January 18, 2016

Thoughts for Martin Luther King Day, 2016.

From Selma to Birmingham to Detroit, the results of the Civil Rights revolution have been uniformly catastrophic.[1]
Among other things, the "Great Society" created a vast parasitic underclass that contributes nothing to our national life. If there is a blighted, destroyed city in America it is because it is majority-black or has a significant black majority.

Black academic failure is a solid fact of America's national life, as is the ability of black teenagers to turn schools into violent, lawless, hyper-sexualized nightmares for any student, white or black, wishing to get an education. For a teenager to have to attend a school with significant numbers of blacks is a ghastly punishment and ensures that that child will be exposed to four years of chaos and primitivism where a hostility to "thinking white" will be the least of his or her problems.

Blacks rape, rob, batter, and kill whites – and each other – with abandon and flock to defend the trash among them and fabricate the most outrageous tales of mostly white police misconduct and a "failed system" designed to keep blacks ignorant and mentally enslaved. Blacks will accept no responsibility for their failure but search under every bush for structural racism, white privilege, and leprechauns. The pyramids of Egypt and the sands of Africa they search for evidence of long-ago Negro engineering, architectural, and military genius since appropriated by white people -- of course -- and, it seems, unrecoverable by any black society in 5,000 years.

Far from being areas of tranquility, safety, and sanity, black communities are avoided by whites and black if they have any sense at all. The chance to acquire Section 8 vouchers that would allow moving into safe white communities is an occasion for near riot in black ones.

The "leaders" cast up by this underclass are buffoons or subversives and, in Congress, gravitate to the Congressional Progressive Caucus, i.e., the Communist Caucus. If there is legislation proposed to expand state power, increase taxes, grant more privileges to minorities, confiscate guns, penalize free speech, or throw open the borders to unrestricted immigration, it is assured of the support of those "leaders." At the very highest levels, there is a struggle to understand what patriotism is.

To describe the results of the Civil Rights revolution as "uniformly catastrophic" is an understatement that simply cannot ever be equaled.

[1] Quoted from Peter Brimelow's 2015 article on MLK Day set out in "Time To Rethink Martin Luther King Day, 2016." By James Fulford, Vdare, 1/17/16.


  1. Again, 49% of Americans would "disagree" or "strongly disagree" with what you've said. Maybe more.

    You've spoken with candor, forthrightness and, I believe, bravery and "good syntax and writing skills."

    Rachel Maddow, Ed Schultz and rest of the MSNBC or DailyKos crowd would pillory you for saying this. But you know what? If they would just put this post (and others) up on the screen, I bet that even some of their viewers mights start agreeing.

  2. Martin Luther King Jr. was nothing more than the Al Sharpton of his day, period. He didn't even write his infamous "I have a dream" speech, that was done for him by members of the Highlander Folk School. These charlatans are all alike, they have one message for the public that is very carefully tailored to elicit the maximum amount of sympathy from the unsuspecting, while their real message is reserved for their true believers when they think no one is watching.

  3. That's undoubtedly true. I believe, however, that the number of whites who implicitly agree with what I wrote is in the neighborhood of 99% if you analyze actual behavior. Many talk the talk but that's it. By their behavior they show without a shadow of a doubt that they know the danger of living around blacks or sending their kids to schools that aren't "good schools."

    There was (sic) a tenor with the Baltimore symphony who moved into a black neighborhood in Baltimore. Some black or some blacks shot him dead on the porch of his home. I'm not sure if he was a member of the symphony but the story was related by someone who was who knew the deceased.

    Any white person in America -- and I do mean any -- knows that that dead man took a gigantic risk when he moved into that neighborhood.

    These things are known to whites but they allow themselves to be cowed by accusations of racism and nonsensical "white privilege." The facts of black group behavior are known, notwithstanding the existence of many high-quality, intelligent, decent blacks. But the realities of black group behavior cannot be denied and obfuscation and dishonesty are the only defenses left to those who still want to poison the national debate. Which they assiduously endeavor to do.

  4. @Anon, I didn't know that about King's not writing his speech.

    I've long kept King's plagiarism on his Ph.D. thesis firmly in mind and refuse to refer to him as Dr. King. His claim to be a reverend was on firmer ground though his sexual antics and battery of one of his partners suggest that he needed to go back to divinity school for a refresher course.

    Benjamin Ryan's American Renaissance essay on The Unknown Martin Luther King, Jr." is an antidote to the formal and informal hagiography we see in every nook and cranny of national life.

    Whoever wrote the words that King delivered, they describe a dream that died almost immediately. White generosity was turned against us and we began our long slide into madness as we created a disgraceful black underclass financed by taxes exacted from whites. The national debate today is even more poisonous and dishonest if that can be imagined.

    I don't require that great men be free of personal flaws. That is unrealistic. King did much to lift up non-violence as an ideal even if he was blind to the bloody crimes of communists, to whose cause he was obviously sympathetic. Where he was going to go as time went on I don't know. I have my doubts that he was going to stay on the same path.

    Given his many flaws, however, I'm inclined to think that the correlation of forces was such that a leader would have been cast up no matter what and no matter his flaws. Perhaps we see in the rise of Trump a similar correlation of forces that amplify his talents and personality. Trump is not flawed like King (and I am a strong supporter of his) but both deserve recognition at a minimum for understanding that sometimes the times demand certain leaders. It's one of the amusing things about the current presidential campaign to see all the other contenders, except Cruz and Santorum, floundering in the thickets of the world view that has been overtaken by events, as we Washington Bureaucrats were wont to say.

    Anyhoo. The gist of my post is to shine a spotlight on how impossible it is to believe that anything that King had in mind as far as whites and blacks living together has died. The current state of black thinking is an absolute disaster and acceptance of responsibility for their own problems is not in the cards.

  5. Many of Martin King's more militant followers advocated for violent insurrection rather than peaceful demonstrations. He told them violence was a quick way to understand what the word "minority" actually means.

  6. Thanks. I think we owe him big time on that point.


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