Wednesday, March 28, 2018

It's My Birthday, So, I'm Gonna Have FUN!

Starting off the party with the famous Footloose - which was recreated by Kevin Bacon on the Tonight Show:

Now that you're in a Party Mood, let's crank up the music, and Get the Party Started.

Did you ever wonder? Facebook's Liberal Logic 101 does, too. Too many good and provocative memes to mention.

I can see NO Problems for This.

At Last! Young people will begin to learn about the foul miasma that the Kennedy idolatry spawned. Maybe they will start questioning other Liberal Tropes and 'Heroes'.

Maybe I'll rethink my policy of not buying lottery tickets. This might be my day!

Speaking of re-thinking, look at this video of actors reading gun control facts. What I find interesting is that the person who holds an opinion contrary to what he is reading begins to think about what he is saying, and - surprise! - has doubts. Or, even, changes his mind.

As one of them says, "Facts are facts."

What, to me, was interesting, was that having people speak the words themselves may have had much of the impact on their thinking. Maybe oral recitation of Bible verses, maxims, reading aloud moralizing stories - like the old nursery tales, might have had that same effect on previous generations.

The passive listening approach might not be as helpful in changing minds. I'd love to see some research on that.

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