Saturday, September 21, 2019

Attention: Free Fiction!

     On Saturday, September 21, my compendium volume The Futanari Saga will be free of charge at Amazon:

They are the futanari.
Women, except for one thing.
Despite their two X chromosomes, their genitals are male.
Though excluded by both sexes, they have the needs and yearnings of women.
Surgical alteration would kill them.
Imperiled wherever they’re found.
They cannot reproduce.
They are very few.
This is what their lives are like.

     Don’t miss this opportunity to download a free copy of the series that’s got the world of science fiction in a tumult. (And review it, please!)


glasslass said...

Marked on calendar. Son bought me a kindle, maybe 2nd edition and I've read it every night since. May be best gift he's ever given me.

Francis W. Porretto said...

(chuckle) You know, Glass, the Kindle, apart from its convenience and the way it’s lowered the effective cost of my entertainment reading, has done me another great service: it’s saved my home.

You see, I’m a big reader. Really big. My wife Beth is equally big. And neither of us has ever been able to give away a book without suffering the tortures of the damned. In consequence, before we bought our Kindles and NOOKs, our home was overrun with books. There was no room on the shelves – and we’ve got one hell of a lot of shelves. (I had our basement finished primarily to make room for more bookshelves. It helped...for a little while.) There was barely room for other kinds of furniture. No joke! The tally peaked at slightly over 13,000 physical volumes – in an ordinary three-bedroom ranch house. Something had to be done.

The e-reader was the answer.

Since we acquired our e-readers, I’ve purchased slightly over 1,000 fiction books. Beth is a little behind me, at just under 800. But not one of them was physical; all are electronic-format. Along with that, we started “training” to give away books to charities that would accept them. We’ve thinned the herd by about 1,500 already and are planning to cut deeper with time.

I no longer fear that our home will undergo gravitational collapse. If there’s a tectonic incident somewhere in our vicinity, it won’t be blamed on us. And at long last we have room for the leather sectional we’ve lusted after. God bless digital technology!

glasslass said...

The lure of books is my siren song. When I moved to Tx I gave my cousin 1,000 books and shipped 25 boxes. The library where I live now gets at least a 100 twice a year for the book sale. I sell them at my annual yard sales and am still buried under them. We also built a library in a spare room and still they multiply at night undercover of darkness. Kindle has save the upstairs from falling on my head.

So I've gone to amazon and now have more in my to be read pile. I'll try to nudge it to the top as one of my first loves in sci-fi but when it went to fantasy I left. For title i think there is none better than "I have no mouth and I must scream". Didn't know the author, didn't care. that book was going home with me. Harlan Ellison, one of a kind.